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  1. stacyt


    What he wants you to do is called leveling up. For every battle that you win, you gain experince points. After so many point you gain a new level. At each new level you get a supply unit. You can use the supply unit build a planet up one level. Or you can sale the supply unit, and you get about...
  2. stacyt


    I ran it through the battle calc, figuring that he had a +4 to attack. Even if he does your odds of winning are highly in your favor. So you should be fine, and you'll get some good xp's out of the deal.
  3. stacyt


    Best of luck in the battle. Did you use the battle calc to check your odds of winning? Last beta I never really had anyone attack me. Except for 2 guys that I took planets from. elf, myself, and a couple of other allies, took the guy completly out of the game before the end. No one ever attacked...
  4. stacyt


    With those rankings doc, I don't think I'll keep up with you this beta. Of course I'll get PL4 today, so that should give me a big boost.
  5. stacyt

    Pink Tail Trigger ?

    In most cases the pink tails are very docile. A lot of people consider them the most reef safe trigger. You'd probably get more responses in the aggressive forum.
  6. stacyt

    How large of a tank?????

    The cardinals will most likely end up killing each other.
  7. stacyt


    The ship should still show on your fleet screen. You should be able to relaunch it back at the same planet. It's not the number of GC that you have, that determines how many planets you can take. It determines how quickly you get to the next level.
  8. stacyt


    You'll probably see alliances Formally start to form within the next 2 weeks. elfdoctors, Congrats on the rankings. I've dropped to #447. I'll gain alot of points tonight though, and should move back up.
  9. stacyt


    Ounce any ship is launched, it cannot be redirected. Ounce a colony ship hits a free planet, and you have open culture, the ship disappears, and the planet becomes yours. If you send 3 colony ships, ship #1 takes the planet, and the other 2 ships turn into 15 PP's. If someone has seiged the...
  10. stacyt


    Since you didn't take a hit to speed, it's not a real bead thing that your fleet hits before your culture goes up. Just relaunch the ships back at the same planet. They wont take as long to get back. It basically sends the ship in orbit, and it tries to land again. If your culture is up, than...
  11. stacyt


    Thomas, Very cool. I took a screen shot, when I made it to #42. Since then I've been bouncing around the rankings. Now holding at #87, and my system mate is #88, and 1 other nemo by me is #89. Not bad for my 2nd beta. Of course I had 1 of the top fleets for several days, but I will no longer...
  12. stacyt

    Tangs/Large Angels in 6' Tanks – Does Capacity Matter?

    Wow some very good replies here. Not much that I can add to this post. I have a koran angel in my 240, and he spends most of his time slowly moving through the LR structure, and moves rather slowly. Whereas my tang spends most of his time in the open. I'll say that I've seen some angels in the...
  13. stacyt


    Thats about right for your levels. I would get the GC up to 4. How long until your next culture lvl? If it's within a couple of days, I would get a small fleet, 2 DS, and 1-3 colony ships, and launch to a free planet. After that start concentrate on getting factories, and farms to 9, and than...
  14. stacyt


    Thomas, Send a PM to MultiAdmin on AW.
  15. stacyt

    Which Triggers?????

    My choice would be the blue jaw. All those listed by Otradnoje would be a good choice, but keep in mind size. You have a 120, and in the long run space will be an issue. The blue throats don't get nearly as big as the nigers, and I think would be a more suitable tankmate for your current...
  16. stacyt


    Beth, The reason for that code is last beta some people used programs to automatically log themselves in every hour or so. This way they never appeared idle, and they didn't need to worry about logging in to update culture. They where cheating basically. You'll get the trade screen ounce you...
  17. stacyt

    IMPORTANT : the deal on ich.

    I perform hypo on all new fish. I havn't had an ich problem for some time now. There have been debates about perfoming treatments on fish that show no symptons, but it has worked for me.
  18. stacyt


    Beth, There's not really a way to get around that. What I have done is made my bookmark for AW incluse my username, and password. When I click the bookmark, all I have to enter is the security code: Replace username with you username, and...
  19. stacyt


    Beth, Starting later in the game, I wouldn't be worried about rank. Play this beta just to get a feel for how things work. Ty, As sammy said, be sure to check into the NEMOs forums before making any moves. Coordination is key to playing in an alliance. All to often last beta, I had a couple of...
  20. stacyt


    doc, You past me up! Guess I need to get to work and catch up to ya. #17 nice rank. I got as high as #42, but dropped to the 100's. Doubt I'll stay there foor long though. Probably end up somewhere in the 500's by the end of the beta. I do plan on getting the highest ranking PL though, or at...