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  1. sac10918

    Are these saddlebacks too big?

    If you buy two juveniles (think of them like teenagers!), they will establish dominance and one should become female and they other male. So, they should pair up, but it may take some time for them to figure out who is going to be who.
  2. sac10918

    Maroon clown Babies

    Get Clownfishes by Joice Wilkerson....Its a great book on rearing the fry
  3. sac10918

    Advice please...clowns acting strange

    Yes, it certainly seems that the fish who was once acting as the male, is now acting as a female and vice versa. I am just fearful that perhaps they both think they are female and one may get killed. Is that likely?
  4. sac10918

    Still having Nitrate problems in the 24 gallon aquapod...

    I also have a 24 gallon aquapod. My nitrates are right around 25 according to my test kit. I would like to get them down. I didnt keep any of the charcoal and sponges that came witht the tank in the back for very long. I know the charcoal bags are not the source of nitrates, but I believe that...
  5. sac10918

    Advice please...clowns acting strange

    My two clowns have been in the tank together since I bought them as a "mated pair" over a year ago. My question is this...when I got the clowns one was much smaller than the other and he was submissive to the larger. I assumed he was male and named him Max and named the larger and more...
  6. sac10918

    Okay to use Joes Juice in a nano?

    I have a 24 gallon tank which has some mojano (i think thats how you spell it) anemones in it that have continued to double and are gonna get out of control here if I dont zap them. Someone suggested joes juice, but I am afraid to use it in such a small tank. There are about 15 anemones that...
  7. sac10918

    I Have Retarded Clowns

    If you have no lights, your anemone is going to die.
  8. sac10918

    Ick is killing me - please help :)

    Hmm...Im no expert here but I thought I would post since no one else has. I had two clowns and a bicolor blenny come down with Ick, I put them in the QT, lowered salinity, and a few days later it looked like Brook instead of ick. So, I left them in there with low salinity and I did three...
  9. sac10918

    How long

    I believe I read they can live 20-25 years in well kept home aquariums. Not sure if thats true though. Congrats on having a pair for 8 years...thats awesome
  10. sac10918

    How long do they live?

    If astrea snails fall off the glass, can they flip themselves over or are they helpless and will die if left overturned?
  11. sac10918

    Could someone describe the loveshake?

    I think the love shake is characterized by the smaller male turning perpendicular to his mate (like on his side, with his head facing the female) and shaking violently. When I first saw it, I thought my fish had epilepsy. I have never heard of a clown doing that when it is alone though. Also...
  12. sac10918

    How long do they live?

    How long do astrea snails live? It seems like quite a few of mine have been dying recently but everything else in the tank seems pretty healthy. I wonder if they only live about 7 or 8 months? Does anyone know?
  13. sac10918

    Help my new fishy :(

    Stray voltage popped to my mind when I read your post. I bought a grounding probe at my LFS which plugs inot the wall and soaks up any stray voltage in the tank from pumps and such. Its a good thing to have either way, so you don't electrocute your fishies. Hope your fish is settling in. Oh, and...
  14. sac10918

    What are these anemones?

    Is it okay for me to use Joes Juice in a 24 gallon tank? It won;t pollute my tank or hurt other corals?
  15. sac10918

    What to feed my clowns?

    So is the general consensus is that flake is not the best choice?
  16. sac10918

    What are these anemones?

    If I pick them off, will they release any toxins into my tank? Should I remove the rock they are on and pick them off outside of the tank? They do grow fast...My one turned into three which turned into 9. I don't want them to double again.
  17. sac10918

    What are these anemones?

    Whoops...Okay, I think I added the pic
  18. sac10918

    What are these anemones?

    Hi I have posted this pic before but need a definitive answer. What type of anemones are these? Are they good or bad? If bad, how do I get them out of my tank without damaging anything else?
  19. sac10918

    What to feed my clowns?

    Hi, I have a pair of black and white saddleback clowns and a bicolor blenny in my 24 gallon tank. I have had them for over a year now. I usually feed them cyclopeeze soaked in garlic or selcon or they get marine flakes (dry food). I feed them a thawed frozen shrimp soaked in garliic about once a...
  20. sac10918

    Did I ruin my phytoplankton?

    I bought some DT reef formula phytoplankton and accidentally put it in the freezer over night before noticing the "DO NOT FREEZE" label on it. Is it garbage now or can I still use it?