Very nice looking fish. The only thing that I can think of to add to the already given advice is to also try some silversides. Most of my triggers took a couple of days to start eating. Especially the more passive ones like my blue throat. He took a few days to get comfortable before he started...
My pseudochromis is pretty territorial. He has his area of the tank, and will chase anything that get's near it, even shrimp. He has never eaten any of the shrimp, but I have watched him knock the shrimp away from his area.
Keeping a purple with a yellow will most likely lead to the death of the yellow. Purples tend to be very aggressive, and with the yellow having a very similar body shape, it would probably get picked on. I would not recommend keeping 2 tangs together in a 125, but if you do decide to try it make...
Scooters are easier to ween to prepared foods. Mandarins on the other hand need a very well established pod population. You may however want to train it to spot feeding, as they are a bit on the slow side when competeting for food.
I've seen several people keep Flames in a reef. As for my Flame when I had him in my 80 reef he picked at all my yellow polyps. I moved him to my 240, and he hasn't bothered any of the polyps or mushrooms in that tank. He just really liked my yellow polyps for some odd reason.
I've seen several pairs of Angels in the wild. I will note that most of the pairs that I saw where either French or Greys, and they where normally in the same areas. However when I saw some Blue's and some Queens, they where always away from the other species. I think that the family Holocanthus...
I have 3 skimmers that I am getting rid of.
1 Prizm skimmer used for about a 1.5 yrs. $35 + shipping.
1 Bakpak never used, with rio powerhead. $50 + shipping.
1 Sea Clone, with maxijet 1200, used about 2 weeks. $50 + shipping.
All 3 are in working order.
While I've had mine running for a year now, I've never had to clean them. I do clean the prefilters ounce a week. I do have a brush with a long handle, that I could use to clean the pipes if neccessary.
I have 8 in my 240 FOWLR. For lighting I have about 2.5 watts per gallon. I do have a lot of overhangs, and thats usually where I see them durring the day when the lights are on.
IMO that stocking list sounds like a bit much. I personally don't like to see tangs in a 55, but thats just me. I would go with either the tang, CB, or wrasse. Pick 1 of those, the chromis, and maybe a couple of smaller fish.
J Carter ,
You may want to reconsider what your feeding the lion. It should really get more of a variety of frozen foods. Freeze dried foods have little nutritional value. A varity of frozen shrimp, fish, squid, krill, and silversides would be beneficial to the lion in the long run. Also...
What is the temp of the water where you catch them? Most likely a standard aquarium may be to high a temp for them. Probably the reason you don't see them in the trade.