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  1. lerch

    Clown Fish is still nuts

    well I thank eveyone for writieng me back. I do love my clownfish and it is interesting the way he paces back and forth across the glass. But I worry about it for hius safety. I am only a newbie at this hobbie and I will admit I do not know that much but I do not want to make his life any...
  2. lerch

    Arrow Crab (Dangerous?)

    How can he eat a feather duster worm when they can retract back into their holes so quick????? I really don't want him to eat mine. P.S. Thanks for the reply
  3. lerch

    Clown Fish is still nuts

    I wanted to thank everyone who replied to my posts about my new clownfish. Everyone told me that he would eventually calm down and stop pacing across the glass. well it has been a week now and the little sucker is still running back and fortha t the top of the tank. He doesn't seem to be...
  4. lerch

    Arrow Crab (Dangerous?)

    I just bought an arrow crab yesterday I was wondering if anyone had any good/bad experinces with them? So far all he has done is stay in mostly the same spot and eat small amounts of shrimp food. Everytime a fish approaches him he will extend one of his arms to touch them and he will continue...
  5. lerch


    I have heard that if thye are scared, harmed, or killed they will release a fatal toxin into the water possibly killing its tank mates.
  6. lerch

    How to feed??????

  7. lerch

    Proper Lighting???

    I have two medium sized white flourescent lights and a 48" PowerCompact with 2 flourescent and 2 blue actinic. I cannot fit anymore light on top of my 55 gal but I was wondering if I should cange some of the lights in the smaller flourescents to either blue actinic or the pink colored ones I...
  8. lerch

    How to feed??????

    I am wanting to start feeding my yellow tang some form of seaweed or another supplemental food. I would also like to give my lawnmower blenny something added to eat. How and what should I feed them. Do I need one of those clips to hold the food in place or should I wedge it between some...
  9. lerch

    Hwat shold I feed????

    I am wanting to start feeding my tang dried seaweed or some kind of substitute food. What is the best kind and how should I present the fod to them. If I use one of those clips where do I need to put it at on the tank. For the lawnmower should I wedge the food in between some rocks?
  10. lerch

    Hwat shold I feed????

    I have tried feeding the yellow tang lettuce but he doesn't even give it a second look. You said that the lawnmower blenny will eat zoonathids, I just ordered a clove star polyp the other day and I thought that polyps were zoonathids. Will he eat it??? I thought they were poisionus
  11. lerch

    Hwat shold I feed????

    I have a common clown, a yellow tang, and a lawnmower blenny. What kind of food should I give them. I have been feeding them a little flake food and frozen vitamin enriched brine shrimp. I also have a cleaner shrimp and a coral banded shrimp. what should I feed them. I only see the coral...
  12. lerch

    Lights or Moonlight?????

    I have two decently large white flourescent lights on my tank and a 48" Power compact with 2 flourescent and 2 blue actinic bulbs. I have everything running on timers, should I have the power compact run a little longer than the flourescents to simulate moonlight or do they need to be on the...
  13. lerch

    Coral Bandeds??????????

    Are Coral Banded Shrimp supposed to be totally nocturnal or is mine the only one?
  14. lerch

    Has anyone ever heard of this happening??

    The intake on my powerhead is a long cone shaped cylinder that is grated so that detritus can't get in. It resembles the intakes for most hang on filters. Do I neead something more than this or was this just a freak accident.
  15. lerch

    Has anyone ever heard of this happening??

    2 days ago my Mandarin got caught up in the intake end of my powerhead. As a result of this his fins were severely damaged and he eventually died :( I thought Mandarins were bottom to mid level swimmers? My powerhead his at the top of my tank. I would love to get another mandarin sometime...
  16. lerch

    Starfish has a wierd problem

    He died :( :(
  17. lerch

    Is anyone sick of me??????

    I was just wondering if anyone was sick of me asking so many questions and not really replying to anyone else. If so I am sorry, I am just new to thisw hobby and I egearly seek information. I will try to reply more to others questions :)
  18. lerch

    hwat is Drip acclimating

    How do I drip acclimate a starfish, I am wanting to prepare myself for when my current star dies. :( :( :( :(
  19. lerch

    thankyou to everyone

    After all of the frantic posts I wrote about my mandarin I would like to say thankyou to everyone for writing back, I really appreciated it. I would also like to say he is doing a lot better and is running around the tank hunting and eating constantly, he is really great to watch. Thank you...
  20. lerch

    Cleaner Shrimp????????

    I had heard that coral bandeds and other shrimp did not get along and I thought about this even more since my coral banded is about 5 times the size of my cleaner shrimp but they both seem to get along fine and as I said they share the same den. Maybe mine is just weird. Also everyone has said...