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  1. lerch

    clown nipping at anenome

    My clown would nip at my bubble tip whenever it would close up. It seemed like he was trying to open it. I would think everything would be fine as long as he doesn't pull any part off.
  2. lerch

    Watchman Goby

    I am still hoping someone will help me out with my new fish, the gobie has taken to getting on my rock a little bit, I guess because the dragon goby has been chasing him. But he still just lies in front of the tank when the lights go out. It is really sad and I really like him and I don't want...
  3. lerch

    NEED TIPS FOR OPEN BRAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am thinking about buying an open brain in a week or two and I was wondering if anyone had any good or bad stories about them. What do I feed them, and whre do I need to place them in the tank???? Any info is appreciated <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />
  4. lerch

    Mantis Shrimp

    Salty, I have never had one but from all of the many posts I have read about them about the only really sure way to get him out is too take out the rock he lives in and pry him out. If you have to get rid of the rock he is in then do it. Apparently these little suckers are hell in water so do...
  5. lerch

    Watchman Goby

    Yesterday I bought a orange spotted watchman goby and so far he has just sat down at the front of my tank and occasionally hopped back and forth. Is he okay, or is this bahavior common to gobies. I have heard that he will form a relationship with a burrowing shrimp, what kind of shrimp do I...
  6. lerch

    Hey DAB

    Where do you shop at DAB, I am originaly from El Reno and I shop at The Reef Shop on Meridian. Where is your fish store?????
  7. lerch

    Who has a Gorgonia

    I was thinking about buying a gorgonia from my LFS and i was looking for advice on placement and feeding from anyone who has one???? <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" />
  8. lerch

    input on stacking lr for a reef

    I have a lot of my rock stacked against the back of my tank. As far as cleaning the glass goes I don't think it really matters since you will probably let coraline algea grow across the back to give your tank a more natural look. The only problem I have found with haveing your rock against...
  9. lerch

    Is my wrasse dying

  10. lerch

    Is my wrasse dying

    Today I bought a lightining wrasse, he has a neon yellow stripe across the top of his back and the rest of his body is neon blue. I acclimated him to my tank just the same as I have done with all of my fish and inverts. At this point in time he is laying behind my live rock on his side and he...
  11. lerch


    What is the best kind of wrasse to put in a tank with shrimps and crabs???? I have heard that some kinds of wrasses will eat inverts. If I get a wrasse what do I need to feed him???? Thanks
  12. lerch

    Little Dude's on glass

    I shop at the Reef Shop in Oklahoma City on Meridian. My rock is figi also.
  13. lerch

    Will this make a good DSB?????

    The aragontite appears to be crushed coral or crushed shells, but hte bag it came in said it was live sand. Was it wrong??
  14. lerch

    Will this make a good DSB?????

    I already had 20 lbs of live sand that was very fine grade. After I had my power outage I decide to rebuild my tank the right way. I kept all of my live rock and sand but I added one more piece of live rock that had stuff growing all over it. I also added 40 lbs of live aragonite sand that...
  15. lerch

    Nitrates and Protein Skimmer

    will having a protein skimmer help to lower my nitrates??? I have just ordered a new seaclon from my LFS and I was just wondering if they are as good as people talk <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />
  16. lerch

    Coral-Vital Supplement

    They did tell me that it was actually a bacteria, so what will that do since I already have aged bio wheels and 60 lbs of live sand. I wold like to re-populate most of my live rock with bacteria since I think a lot of the bacteria died during my power outage. Should I keep using this stuff or...
  17. lerch

    Coral-Vital Supplement

    Has anyone ever used a product called Coral-Vital Live sand booster and Live rock enhancer. I bought at my LFS and they said it would help with caraline growth and was a good thing to add to my tank. I really want to get some good caraline growth (hopefully like NMreef's coraline, that is...
  18. lerch

    Little Dude's on glass

    that looks like them kelly, I only have a few of the ones in your picture but that is what they are. Now, what the hell are they??????? Good or Bad
  19. lerch

    Poor sally

    I had a arrow crab and a coral banded and neither one of them had a problem with each other. The coral banded along with everything else died in a bad pwere autage I had but I will tell you what ARROW CRABS ARE THE TOUGHEST SUCKERS ALIVE. My arrow liver for 4 days in 50 degree water and then...
  20. lerch

    Little Dude's on glass
