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  1. lerch

    How to get alkalinity right

    I am trying to get my coraline algea to grow and I have the calcium right but I don't know how to get the alkalinity right, any ideas.
  2. lerch

    What to feed Hammer Coral

    I already add in Phytoplex, but what I was wondering is if I should feed him chopped shrimp or silversides or something like that. If I should then how, I cant find a mouth on these suckers. :D :D :D :D
  3. lerch

    gobie burying everything!

    I have never heard of a sand sifter killing your DSB, I always believed they were good detritus cleaners and good at removing algea and cyanobacteria from the sand surface. If you have a real DSB how could they eat deep enough to kill off the sand bed. Mine only eats down about a half inch.
  4. lerch

    Easy medium ight corals/inverts

    Well first off no matter what I would say get a lot more live rock, and maybe a inch or more of sand, trust me it really pay's off in the long run. As for the corals and inverts, yellow polyps, most mushrooms, and leather corals will probably do good. All of them are really pretty and should...
  5. lerch


    I really like Kents Turbo Calcium, it is kind of tricky on how much to use so if you decide to use it talk to your LFS about it. I really like it, it really keeps the hair algea down and I am noticing a lot more coraline algea growth.
  6. lerch

    gobie burying everything!

    I have a dragon goby and he does the same thing. It really pisses me off when he covers my open brain with sand. Mine has been doing it for about a month now and he doesn't show any signs of stopping. They are great cleaners and fun to watch but man the sand stuff gets old. :)
  7. lerch

    What to feed Hammer Coral

    please someone help!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. lerch

    What is wrong with my Salinity

    I am having the worst time trying to keep my salinity at 1.022 or 1.024, right now it is at 1.026. Should I add in freshwater or what, I have a lot of corals now and I am afraid they are going to die, please help <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" /> <img...
  9. lerch

    I Need A Good Algae Eater!!!

    I would say start adding in a lot of calcium. I had a horrible problem with algea when I started my tank but I started using Kets turbo calcium and it has dramatically reduced my algea, and it is great for my tank. If you decide to use Kents talk to your LFS about it because the stuff is...
  10. lerch

    What to feed Hammer Coral

    I just bought a small hammer coral the other day and I want to know what and how to feed it. Any suggestions will be greatly apprecitated.
  11. lerch

    I hate my Damsels

    The only way I could ever get mine out was to take out most of my rock and pin them in a corner. It sucked trying to do this but it worked.
  12. lerch


    What I don't understand is that she was only convicted of 3 counts of murder and she killed 5 kids. I know that one count is enough for her to get what she deserves, the chair. But what happend to the other two kids?????
  13. lerch


    I think she should fry!!!!!!!
  14. lerch

    highly amusing to watch

    Is your anemone closed up and little looking. If it cant stay attached to anything then I would say tank it back to your LFS. They may take it back since you just got it. Anemones belong on rock and are not free drifting creatures.
  15. lerch


    Your seahorse may need calcium. I am not sure aobut this but I know they have a hard outer skeleton that gives them protection so they may need the clacium to keep this exoskeleton hard. I am adding Kent's Turbo Calcium to my tank and I love it. It keeps the hair and slime algea down and has...
  16. lerch

    Help identifying a Hitcher please and questions on my Cycling

    About your hitchiker, does it quickly retract into your rock when you touch it. If it does then I would say it is a feather duster. I have a peice of rock that has nearly 40 feather dusters on it and let me tell you they all look different. Several of them seem to have long straight arms with...
  17. lerch

    Cleaner Shrimp in Pairs

    Salty, I had just one shrimp and mine din't come out until night like yours. when I added another they both came out and are now constantly visible. I have heard if you have a small lighter colored shrimp it is a male and the larger darker colored ones are females.
  18. lerch

    How to feed brain

    The tentacles on mine are out most all of the time, is this bad??? If I want to feed chopped shrimp can I just get the raw shrimp you can buy at the grocery store?? What are silversides?? I have heard of people using feeder goldfish and just placing them in the tentacles of anemone's and...
  19. lerch

    How to feed brain

    What and how should I feed my open brain. I was feeding my shrimp today and a shrimp pellet fell inside the brain. It seems to be eating it, is this good or bad. I already use Kent's PhytoPlex, do I need to feed something else??? If so how?????
  20. lerch

    Best place for open brain

    Where should I place my open brain in my tank. Does it need a lot of current or low current?????