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  1. mtennant

    Are these any good? would you go with them tell me please

    Yea thay are ok... But how big is your tank and what kind of corals are you thinking of getting? Or have so far?
  2. mtennant

    HELP!!!!!! To much bubbles!!!

    Yes its fully sumbmersed!... But still having bubbles.. :mad: :mad: :mad: I'm going to buy a driffent pump but I just wish it didn't do the bubbles. Here is a pic of it...
  3. mtennant

    Corals From This Site

    I love order stuff from here.. Thay are good.
  4. mtennant

    How long can you run your tank with out a skimmer?

    My skimmer is not working right so I had to take it out... So I have a new one coming but its going to take 3 or 4 days to get here.. So how long can a 180 Gallon tank run without a skimmer?.... :thinking:
  5. mtennant

    LFS Outdoor Saltwater Pond Pics

    That is sweet!!!! I can't belive it... To bad it can't happin here in CO..
  6. mtennant

    is wood bad?

    Well all I got to say about the wood.. Its not going to be there very long.. :thinking: But if I was you I would take the wood out...
  7. mtennant

    HELP!!!!!! To much bubbles!!!

    Originally Posted by sign guy tell us more about your setup is the pumps bulkhead fully sumersed in water. how old is the pump? Yes it is.. The pump bulkhead is a PVC and the pump is about 2 weeks old.. But I hate it so much. I'm going to try a driffent pump but its to bad I spend over...
  8. mtennant

    please help I.D this coral

    Well it looks nice.. But i'm not even sure of what it is... :thinking:
  9. mtennant

    Ich on my fish, plzzzz Help

    I would quarentine all the fish!!! and wait after 6 weeks and see if its gone!!
  10. mtennant

    macro algae?

    Yea I would get all the red slime algae out of tour tank or DT... :joy:
  11. mtennant

    HELP!!!!!! To much bubbles!!!

    I have try that... It didn't work.. It suck the water into the pump and then out of the pump and when it comes out of the pump thats where the bubbles are coming from... How do you take care of that?.. :notsure:
  12. mtennant

    HELP!!!!!! To much bubbles!!!

    :notsure: ANYBODY?.... :thinking:
  13. mtennant

    a new age of

    A very big TANK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe a 300 gallons or more!
  14. mtennant

    macro algae?

    There now does that help you?
  15. mtennant

    macro algae?

    The deep brown algae and the red calcareous algae are very important species for reef growth. On the natural reef thay are known as reef-building algae because as thay grow thay bind together loose portions of the reef, making it a much more stable structure. In a aquarium thay perform the same...
  16. mtennant

    macro algae?

    Well I'm sorry to say but that would be the slime algae.. It might be the Red calcareouse algae. Or the blue algae... There is also Diatomaceous algae but I don't think thats it!.. I would try to suck it all up the best that you can and see if it comes back.. And maybe someone else can help you...
  17. mtennant

    HELP!!!!!! To much bubbles!!!

    I am useing a Sequence ReeFlo Wahoo UNO Pump and well I just took out my protein Skimmer to mybe stop the small bubbles but nope that didn't work!!! So now I know it is the pump so does any body now how to stop it?.. I have try to seal eveything that I can and still does it!!! HELP ME!!!!
  18. mtennant

    new 29g setup

    Originally Posted by intimid8erkid hey, thanks for the responses. theres alot of info on check it out and let me know what u guys and girls think. p.s. this might be a dumb question but o well! i just got some crushed coral the other day. should i just stick it in the tank or should...
  19. mtennant

    some coral growth shots time elapsed

    OMG How long did that take to grow like that?... I have 3 Clams but only about 3"...