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  1. reef_magic

    Powerhead fire caught fire in the tank:notsure: or when u did a water change, the water level was low enough for the powerhead to be out of the water?:notsure: lol, sry im confused:D
  2. reef_magic


    after introducing my new wonferful spotted hawk last goby is no where to be found. do these 2 species not get along? do hawks bother other bottom dwellers? :help:
  3. reef_magic


    Originally posted by Reef_Magic YOU LUCKY person! Your edited comment was reported as being offensive by several members. Please refrain from the use of foul and offensive language! whoops.......sry offended peeps
  4. reef_magic

    Anyone been to Celebration, Florida?

    we went their a couple years ago....everyone drives those little electric cars!
  5. reef_magic

    Homemade icecream!!!

    we dont have a maker...but we have a softserve maker, just put the ice cream in and it makes it all smooth and creamy:D
  6. reef_magic

    Poor baby!

    where did they touch the lion? only the top spines are poisonous
  7. reef_magic

    Avatar curious...

    :rolleyes: someone's obssessed with their dog :D
  8. reef_magic


    YOU LUCKY person! i've always wanted a pond....with one that big, u can swim in it! and holy cow, your oscars are gonna be mega huge! i love big oscars, but they are a pain to keep fed and full good luck!:cheer: :cheer: Your edited comment was reported as being offensive by several members...
  9. reef_magic


    lol i know! my favorite commercial is "Look! It's Sleeping Beauty!" and she falls out of the carriage
  10. reef_magic

    What was your very first job?

    Originally posted by fishking also u might call me a little baby, but thats because im wayyyyy out of shape i hear ya :D
  11. reef_magic

    Avatar curious...

    mine are usually half dressed ladies
  12. reef_magic

    strange friends!

    lol, did u put that shroom on the duster? thats a teeny tiny hammer
  13. reef_magic

    Mandarin and Scallop

    thats true, they do need an awful lot of both lighting and phyto
  14. reef_magic


    o nvm, just read they get along :D
  15. reef_magic


    lmao, u made a new thread instead of replying hehe but that is an awesome she aggressive?
  16. reef_magic

    Avatar curious...

    see, my post count is 333.....half of 666.....
  17. reef_magic

    Avatar curious...

    Originally posted by Squidd "Help I've Fallen and I can't get up" hey! dont be pickin on me
  18. reef_magic

    Who doesn't milk like????

    lmao cabbage?
  19. reef_magic

    Spotted Hawk: white bump

    thanks Beth, is a cyst dangerous?
  20. reef_magic

    Spotted Hawkfish

    o God plz dont even mention ich......this was a ***** impulse buy.....if ***** crashes my tank again with ich it's my own fault.......God im retarded:rolleyes: is a cyst dangerous Beth?