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  1. bigeyedfish

    Hippo Tang Info

    thanks again, keep the opinions coming. on the water quality note. i have an aqua C urchin that hasnt been installed yet. so my quality should only get better with the addition of that an the refugium i'm working on now.
  2. bigeyedfish

    Hippo Tang Info

    definitely getting a bigger tank this fall when i move out of my parents house. got my sites on a 180 all-glass with twin over-flows. so hard to decide!!!
  3. bigeyedfish

    Hippo Tang Info

    urgh, i just read the other post about tangs. probably going to get more no's than yes's which is cool. so far i've been pretty good about taking things slow. i think the tang is a big step. the tank's been up since december by the way.
  4. bigeyedfish

    Hippo Tang Info

    Last night I visited the LFS to pick up some water and saw the coolest little hippo. He's about the size of a quarter. They were asking $18 for it. Looks like its in good health, no scratching or heavy breathing. I left it on hold till sunday to do some research. What i would like to know is...
  5. bigeyedfish

    Possible to have LR and LS w/ a wet/dry filter?

    well the sump/fuge isnt going to get done tonight. missing a hose bib reducer and some cable ties. unfortunately my Lowe's isnt open this late. Home Depot doesnt have them for some reason. Oh well tomorrow night i should be done!!! will let everyone know of my success or failure.
  6. bigeyedfish

    Possible to have LR and LS w/ a wet/dry filter?

    jalso, i think you have it backwards. if there was less bacteria then there would be an increase in the initial compounds ammonia and nitrite. however thats not the case. i have no signs of those so i know my bacteria are doing the job. I do have about 65 lbs of LR, not a signifcant sand bed...
  7. bigeyedfish

    OT: If you never hear from me again.....

    I WON!!!!!! Just kidding, got the powerball right thats it. Oh well guess i have to stay at work today.
  8. bigeyedfish

    Possible to have LR and LS w/ a wet/dry filter?

    broomer, excellent explanation. one reason i am getting rid of my wet/dry and putting a fuge in hopefully this week. see if you can explain this though. i have been slowly removing my bio balls so that i dont shock the system. no problems so far except for my nitrate readings. before bio ball...
  9. bigeyedfish

    Changing over from a 55 to a 180 questions

    As Broomer said, sounds like fun. I agree with his plan, another option that i believe someone else on this board did was get a baby pool. move everything over into it, then move back when you have everything ready to go. just a thought. good luck. i have a 55gal, want to go to a 180 too. i am...
  10. bigeyedfish

    Pics of our baby

    congrats joe!!!! hope my kid is that cute one day. i'm gonna be in buffalo on business soon, whats a good LFS to visit after work??
  11. bigeyedfish


    Congrats on the ankle biter Joe!!! We have something in common, my bro turned 21 today. Hope all is well. :)
  12. bigeyedfish

    opinions please

    I bought one of those really pourous tan and white "fleckstone" rocks from petsmart. Its underneath some of my live rock. I have noticed coraline starting to spread on it. I am assuming its starting to become "alive". saves some change in the pocket for that nice show quality tonga, figi on the...
  13. bigeyedfish


    Rich, went to Rick's once, they must have just gotten a new shipment in, almost everything was dead in the bags. couldnt believe what i saw! maybe it was a fluke who knows. i mostly deal with marine scene, big fish little fish and tropical fish world. both in g'burg. Got my setup from Jim at...
  14. bigeyedfish

    Who introduced you to this hobby?

    my bro setup a 29 gal freshwater tank. was bored by the lack of color, so i wanted to get nicer looking fish. plus the sibling rivalry, i had to out do him with a bigger saltwater tank. he's dying to graduate and get a job so he can start competing again. i got the upperhand right now!!!
  15. bigeyedfish

    Latest Reef Pics

    very impressed with your canopy. do you have any plans handy? if so do you mind emailing them to me? thanks
  16. bigeyedfish


    thanks fester, actually been there a few times. you are right about the prices. got some bad advice from one of the staff that i usually dont deal with, lesson learned. but for the most part i am happy with them. i have to stop by this weekend cause they are the only place around that sells...
  17. bigeyedfish

    Digital Camera recommendations (kind of off-topic)

    cool, thanks for all the recommendations. the research continues...........
  18. bigeyedfish


    Rich, I work in Frederick actually, definitely beats driving down I-270 in traffic, I watch everyone crawl down the road as i zoom by. I've been to the aquarium center in bmore. very nice in the way of dry goods but not impressed with their selection of fish. Except for the 800 gal bowfront...
  19. bigeyedfish


    welcome aboard. my family is from owensboro, if you know any Carlton's i'm probably related to one. ANyway i wasnt impressed with the single store in O'boro. I would check out Evansville if you havent already. Good Luck
  20. bigeyedfish

    Digital Camera recommendations (kind of off-topic)

    wamp, i thought about getting the combo, cant really ask to get something more expensive since it will be a gift so i think i'm just going to stick with the camera. nywaters, not sure on exact prices. i would give them a call since they might have to order it for you. depends on if they have one...