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  1. bigeyedfish

    Charlotte, NC reefing scene

    Anyone that lives in the general area of Charlotte, North Carolina??? I could be possibly moving down there this summer for work. Wondering how good the stores are there, and which ones those might be?? Any suggestions on where to live too?? My office is on the south side of town. Formerly...
  2. bigeyedfish


    too bad you are on the other side of the country. i am sure mailing it to you would be more than buying the $40 one. i know the guy just mailed a $500 hawaiian dragon moray to LA cause he couldnt sell it around here. i hope it made it!! those are soo cool.
  3. bigeyedfish

    would like your suggestions

    I am down for the breeding tank. Sell fish back for $$$. This might lead to "Broomer's Breeding International". A nice way to make side money to support the hobby and keep from deleting the seas.
  4. bigeyedfish

    Hellooooo Lights!

    glad to hear you are pleased with your order. i am going to order the same exact package next month. gotta space out the credit card orders :) i was wondering. did you get the 4 bulb kit that runs all bulbs at once?? i was thinking about buying two two bulb kits so that i can run the...
  5. bigeyedfish

    Good for me, bad for LFS!!!!

    Well one of the LFS near me is going out of business. Lets just say they are really cleaning house. I got 30 lbs of fla keys live sand for $10 and some fern caulerpa with a 3 lb live rock for free!! What a great start to my refugium. Sorry to see the store go, sometimes they had great deals. BUt...
  6. bigeyedfish

    TASSLE FILE?????

    My LFS has one for 15 bucks! they are going out of business. ugly little sucker, but interesting none the less.
  7. bigeyedfish

    Sand in Freshwater tank

    I am helping my brother setup his new 90 gallon. He's still in college so he cant afford saltwater yet. I was giving him pointers on getting stuff that he can use and easily convert over to salt down the road. In addition to that he likes the looks of my sand bed. Are there any problems with...
  8. bigeyedfish

    Green coraline

    I put in one of those "fleck stone" rocks from petsmart as a baserock underneath the good stuff. its slowly started to become covered in nice green coralline. i posted a while back about this and everyone said it was a good sign. i now have very small patches of pink showing up. so far the crabs...
  9. bigeyedfish

    Emerald Crab

    i didnt have any luck with the one i had in a 55 gal. killed four cleaner shrimp!! he was banished back to the LFS.
  10. bigeyedfish

    OT: 4days to Attack of Clones!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Why ruin a good trilogy? episode 1 sucked major a$$. i hope jar jar gets blown away in this one. he made any attempt at a good pre-quel series impossible. And now talk of N Sync in this one, i am sorry, Lucas is all about $$$$$ now. Now Spiderman was on point!!!
  11. bigeyedfish

    Black Tang

    It looked great surprisingly. I always see yellow's that are beat up cause they tend to put a ton of them in the same tank together and they always fight. This one was in with a puffer and a green bird wrasse i think. It had no signs of injury or sickness. Although i would think for something...
  12. bigeyedfish

    what gives?

    wow damsels with ich. sorry to hear about your fish. i thought they could live in my toilet water without any problems.
  13. bigeyedfish

    Black Tang

    While visiting the LFS i saw they had in a Black Tang. $250!!!!!! Are these really rare, i guess so since i've never seen one before, but its basically a yellow tang only black. whats the deal??? looked pretty cool.
  14. bigeyedfish

    My Next Fish!

    I am partial to Banggai Cardinals. If you can find ones that eat frozen food you are in good shape. Also possibly a firefish would do good. Only concern is aggression both of these are quite shy.
  15. bigeyedfish

    Blue Planet Series on DVD!!!!

    FYI to all that love that Blue Planet series on the Discovery Channel. I was at the mall tonight buying clothes ( finally not something related to my tank) they have the first four chapters on sale at the Discovery Store. You get two in a package for 40 bucks. I guess thats ok. If you want to...
  16. bigeyedfish

    What did you do with your Mantis when you finally caught it?

    reeferkeeper, i think you have a reefing horror movie on your hands. i believe it was said in the movie Office Space, " Watch out for your cornshoot bud." :D
  17. bigeyedfish

    OT: what is the best lap top/notebook pc

    also, as it will be used in college, be really careful, things tend to "disappear" from the dorm room when you arent looking. I just graduated last year (miss it sooo much) and saw this happen numerous times, anyway a desktop might be better in this regard. just a thought.
  18. bigeyedfish

    OT: what is the best lap top/notebook pc

    I'm in IT. I work on laptops all day. IMO go with an IBM T-Series Thinkpad. Very compact and everything is integrated (i like the floppy/dvd drive hot swap drivers). I also work on Dells, not quite as nice. Also Sony Vaio's are decent, some of them come with cd burners and have very clear screens.
  19. bigeyedfish

    Bday Present to self...NEW LIGHTS!!!

    Yeah i'd get the icecap 660, but you can only fire all the bulbs at one time. i cant afford two 430 ballasts. hellolights kits arent icecap right? that would be even better. i dont think i want to spend the money on icecap if i am going to upgrade anyway. i was hoping someone with hellolights...
  20. bigeyedfish

    HAPPY B-DAY !!!!!!!

    thank you, i turned 23 today :)