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  1. boalgf

    90 Gallon tank with stand and cover

    The link above has plenty of pics of the rocks. There is still one large spotted eel available, the other has been taken. I have a clownfish that I'm getting rid of also.
  2. boalgf

    90 Gallon tank with stand and cover

    Sounds like a plan. Good luck with your car.
  3. boalgf

    90 Gallon tank with stand and cover

  4. boalgf

    90 Gallon tank with stand and cover

    I'd sell the live rock, but I wouldn't ship. For 50 lbs I'd let it go for $100. Can't really beat $2 a pound.
  5. boalgf

    what good is starting a thread if no one answers

    Originally Posted by maxalmon I know I'm going to get flamed for saying this, but someone who might not have great spelling or wrighting skills doesn't deserve a responce?.... . I've posted about this once before, 2 years ago I broke my neck and had massive head trauma. Because of the accident...
  6. boalgf

    90 Gallon tank with stand and cover

    90 Gallon Tank with overflow All wood, quality stand and cover PC lighting with Actinics Wet/Dry filtration with Sump Protein Skimmer Canister Filter Powerheads (2) Submersible Heater and Thermometer Mag Float Live sand (100+ lbs) Live Rock (over 50 lbs) The inhabitants are 2 large spotted eels...
  7. boalgf

    what good is starting a thread if no one answers

    I tried readin the other thread, but it gave me a headache. Using a cap at the beginning of every word makes for a very difficult read.
  8. boalgf

    Tank cleaning

    I've got a good horror story. My porc puffer is about 8". He's bit me 3 times now, once it broke the skin. The last time he bit me I was so unprepared for it that i just wrenched my hand away as fast as I could. My girlfriend all of a sudden starts screaming, "He's on the floor!" He apparantly...
  9. boalgf

    trigger and puffer?

    Yes they get along great together. Tank size matters though. They are both aggressive fish that grow fast. As adults they will need a 100+ gallon tank.
  10. boalgf

    dogface eating my snails help

    Hey man, nice seeing you again. Like I said, the best thing would be to get an algae scraper and mag float. I have a kit that comes with an algae blade, bristle pad, and scooper for the larger crap and debri. I don't have a problem with algae on my glass. Also, high water flow using power heads...
  11. boalgf

    Map Puffer

    Originally Posted by reeftank27 wow. thats a great price, i would be all over that if there was one in my area. where is he at? I've got a porc puffer. It used to be fine with my starfish. Once it reached 6" though, everything not fast enough in the tank become food for it. Yours will be worse...
  12. boalgf

    Any truth to this?

    Did someone say cute puffer?
  13. boalgf

    Any truth to this?

    No, they don't release toxins in to the tank when they die. They do have a poisonous organ in their body, but it is only lethal to an animal that eats the puffer. 30 gallons is the minimal recommended size for the smallest puffer (valentini). What type did you want to get?
  14. boalgf

    Over Crowded Tank?

    Flame angels get very territorial. 29 won't cut it. You should get a more passive fish.
  15. boalgf

    is it worth getting an eel?

    Originally Posted by unleashed until i got my panther grouper and my niger trigger,then later a lunear wrasse(all damsels dissapeared after they arrived(slowly) Sounds more likely that the grouper, trigger, or wrasse did your damsels in or they kept killing themselves off. Probably wasn't the...
  16. boalgf

    Lost all interest in my reef tank

    Originally Posted by boalgf My girlfriend was over yesterday and she, of course, loves the reef much more than the other tank. She came storming upstairs asking what i'd done with sharkbait (my perc clownfish). He's gone... Come to think of it, I can't remember the last time I saw him at...
  17. boalgf

    is it worth getting an eel?

    Originally Posted by surfinusa a trigger,lion,angel,a lot of things Maybe a dwarf lion but he shouldn't add another angel and I'd skip the trigger idea. Triggers and small, fully stocked tanks don't mix. Originally Posted by HaLo_Frk03 im gonna stick with what my stocking list is... -1 sfe -2...
  18. boalgf

    Are porc puffers nocturnal

    Originally Posted by leftyblite I have had my porcupine puffer for about a month now. The last week he will only come out at night. I was up late a couple of nights ago and he was swimming all over the tank. Then yesterday he hid all day until night time and then came out again. The lights are...
  19. boalgf

    is it worth getting an eel?

    Originally Posted by lion_crazz I am not sure how absolute that is. A snowflake that I had in my 75 ate and killed my blue head wrasse, dragon wrasse, and took a huge chunk out of the face of my v-tailed grouper. Nothing is for sure. I had a yellow tang kill a dragonet, blenny, and clownfish...
  20. boalgf

    is it worth getting an eel?

    There really isn't much difference between having a snowflake eel and any other fish. They don't eat their tankmates and they aren't aggressive. Like Moto said, an all glass top is secure enough for them. Though they do hide often.