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  1. boalgf

    What about this for fish?

    I have mixed chromis (blue reef and green) together with never a problem. Though I'm not sure that wasn't just luck on my part. I think the coral beauty is one of the best dwarf angels to put in a reef. They are very docile and beautiful. I would get a small yellow tang (under 3") if I were you...
  2. boalgf

    would you, could you on HARDWOOD Floors?

    Originally Posted by FISHY7 I would reconsider before placing a tank on hardwoods. :thinking: Saltwater will destroy the floor if you have a major leak of any type. The water will seap between the planks and it will slowly dry the wood. I am not sure on laminants? This is what I was told...
  3. boalgf

    What's the most docile trigger

    Originally Posted by ophiura Just have to say this: It does not matter what age people are on this board, please treat everyone with respect, and it goes both ways. People are entitled to their opinion at any age. If someone is inexperienced, then the majority of other posts will demonstrate...
  4. boalgf

    LFS tanks

    There is no real need for an acclimation system. I just use a line of chord with a knot tied in it. Tie the knot so just enough water is coming out to slowly drip 3 or so drops a second. I still firmly believe I have the worst LFS to ever burden the hobby. I bought some eels recently from them...
  5. boalgf

    HELP...Tangs Fighting!!

    The achilles and gold rim tang are both from the same family, Acanthurus. Whoever told you they would ever get along in anything but a huge tank (300+ gallons) lied to you. You can rearrange the live rock all you want but they will probably still fight. The Gold rimmed tang is sometimes confused...
  6. boalgf

    Monster Morays!!!!!!!!!!!

    Here are some pics of my spotted eels.
  7. boalgf

    which trigger

    Originally Posted by surfinusa i would go with a clown trigger,huma huma,rectangular trigger,or something else Originally Posted by surfinusa yeah you are already over stocked and some of the fish there get like 2 feet so i would cut back or upgrade but if they are all small then maybe :notsure:
  8. boalgf

    95gal Aggresive stocking

    You know from that other thread which triggers would go best in your tank. I still think the blue throat will be the best since it normally only gets to around 8 or 9 inches. The niger, though a good fish can get to a foot long. Huma is unpredictable. If you get a small puffer, like a valentini...
  9. boalgf

    95gal Aggresive stocking

    Do you have a blue spot jawfish? Those are the highest priced I'd ever seen and even they are normally sold for under $130. If not, what do you have? I'm not a big fan of small fish, so i could never justify paying that much for one. You had darn well better remove anything that might harm that...
  10. boalgf

    95gal Aggresive stocking

    If they are maroon clowns and you get a small trigger and a pebble toothed type eel (Snowflake) then they will be fine. If it's a pair of percs or something like that, you would be better off removing them.
  11. boalgf

    95gal Aggresive stocking

    Much better choice. I don't see why people like Humas so much, pink tails are much better looking and have a better personality. Blue throat is even nicer looking in my opinion.
  12. boalgf

    Need answers fast!

    Originally Posted by tainte97 I have CC starfish in both my tanks with puffers and never had a problem with anything. I think you should be fine. Was it specifically a porc puffer? In my experience, the porcs are the most aggressive and nip the most.
  13. boalgf

    95gal Aggresive stocking

    Swallowtail, flagfin, rock beauty, and scribbled are good ideas for a tank that size. Regal angels are a bad choice, they are difficult to keep alive.
  14. boalgf

    What's the most docile trigger

    Originally Posted by Yimmy I didn't know or could tell he was ten until he told me...I take in everyones advice, I'm 15. I would hope no one would treat me different because of my age It's becuase of this that unexperienced hobbyist posts can cause trouble for a new hobbyist. New people assume...
  15. boalgf

    What's the most docile trigger

    Originally Posted by Titan Nigers are not the most docile triggers! As stated crosshatch,blue-throat,sargassum,lei triggers are the more docile. Yep, lei trigger is another good one that I haven't seen much in the trade. No sense in arguing with that surfin poster. He's like 10 and just...
  16. boalgf

    What's the most docile trigger

    Originally Posted by V-Lioness The more docile triggers are Xanthichthys - Blue throat, Crosshatch, Sargassum, this group is more predictable. Than I would list the Niger (Odonus) or Pinktail (Melichthys), I have seen the good and bad in both of these fish. Kaye Like V lioness said, these 3...
  17. boalgf

    Need answers fast!

    I don't know what size porc you have, but size does matter. Mine is almost 7" and I added a red general starfish (same as CC starfish only red). I feed my porc twice a day. I have no choice, he eats anything I put in there even flake food. Anyway, it took him about a week to bite off every point...
  18. boalgf

    Free Zebra Eel

    Originally Posted by Jwill Give me a month and ill take him off your hands. Im down in lil ol lumberton. Also on a side note what fish stores do you go to in fayettville? I avoid fish stores here. The only 2 that rarely even have saltwater fish are The Aquarium and the dreaded Aqua Rama. Both...
  19. boalgf

    215g stocking advice

    I agree with unleashed. Eels are a tough community fish. They can eat some fish, other fish can pick at them. As far as anthias, I've had pink square and bartlet anthias and niether were difficult fish. I fed them spectrum pellets, flake food, mysis shrimp, same as many of my other fish. The...
  20. boalgf

    215g stocking advice

    Anthias are a bright schooling fish around the size you are looking for. Get them big though or they will be eel food.