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  1. boalgf

    puffer or trigger w/shrimp???

    Then chances are good that they will eat the shrimp. Hermit crabs and snails might last a while, but puffers are experts at breaking those shells with their beaks. I definitely wouldn't pay $20+ for a shrimp to put in there.
  2. boalgf

    They say tangs are ick magnets, I am a tang magnet!!

    Powder blue tangs are aggressive to a certain degree. I think you should add it last to the main tank when you are done. I have a blue tang (7-8") and a powder blue (6") in my 125 with no problems. Good luck.
  3. boalgf

    puffer or trigger w/shrimp???

    Toby puffers are much more peaceful that larger puffers. CGRANT, what kind of puffer were you thinking about?
  4. boalgf

    puffer or trigger w/shrimp???

    My porc puffer wouldn't care if it was a cleaner shrimp or not, it would be dinner. Same with my trigger. The puffer would just swallow it whole, the trigger would take it apart piece by piece.
  5. boalgf

    hyposalinity in QT

    I hypo all new fish. It's easy to monitor the PH in a QT tank. I also QT all new live rock for at least a month. I've never had an ich outbreak since I started this practice and I'm certain there is no ich in my tank. Better to be proactive than reactive in this hobby.
  6. boalgf

    Free Zebra Eel

    Thanks for asking. I use frozen now, but miss the carnage of seeing my eels take down their food.
  7. boalgf

    predator tank questions

    It's closer to 3" in that time frame. He eats often and heavily. I feed him twice a day, mostly because he is a fin nipper but also because he is a food theif. I feed him nutrition fortified shrimp and krill, silversides, clams in the shell, and he seems to love nori lol. Though I don't...
  8. boalgf

    predator tank questions

    Anglers, scorpionfish, toby puffers, dwarf lions, dwarf eels, and damsels are a few. Though you couldn't have all those together. There are many beatiful fish you could put in a 55 that are aggressive. I think dwarf lions and toby puffers are easily as impressive as the larger speicies. I've got...
  9. boalgf

    Calling all trigger owners/previous owners!

    Hey MilwaukeeM, welcome to the site! I've owned a couple of triggers and currently own a niger. You can't go by how triggers act as juveniles, because that has zero reflection on how they are as adults. Blue lines are one of the MOST aggressive triggers. Right up there with queens and titans...
  10. boalgf


    All fish are different of course, but normally large puffers don't get along with one another. How big is your tank and how big are the puffers? I have a porc puffer, they are really enjoyable fish. You have any pics to share?
  11. boalgf

    Hey tang people

    I've had one personally and quarantined a 2nd one for a relative who didn't have a QT tank. Both are still alive and doing well. I had to move mine out after I got my powder blue, they just weren't compatible and I think PBT's are the best looking fish out there. I had it for about 10 months...
  12. boalgf

    Hey tang people

    Thanks lion and bang. Atlantic blue is an underappreciated tang as well, I've had them and they are great. If you feel comfortable with tangs in the future, powder browns are a safe alternative to the achilles.
  13. boalgf

    Squareback Anthias

    I fed mine mysis shrimp and flake food. It seemed to like both. Brine isn't good for it anyway. Also, formula one is a good choice of food so you should keep trying that. Beautiful fish!
  14. boalgf

    Hey tang people

    The clown tang would do much better in an 8' tank as an adult. They are incredibly aggressive little killing machines who get large (15"). You might want to reconsider that one. It is also in the same family as the achilles, which is almost a guaranteed dead achilles. The yellow, blue, and...
  15. boalgf

    Unique 200 Gallon FOWLR Stocking Question

    I've had many green and blue chromis and they seem just as hardy as any damsel. I like fridmanis, they are very intense in color. Lemonpeel angels are the brightest yellow I've seen on a fish. Firefish are nice, and so are reef safe wrasses like the red velvet, pink margin, and filament flasher...
  16. boalgf

    fish list for 180 fowlr

    Aside from the yellow and purple tang, they are all very passive fish so will go well together. Regardless of which of those 2 tangs you choose, you should add it last as they are the most aggressive (purple is much more aggressive than the yellow) fish you have on the list.
  17. boalgf

    Most unusual/funny trigger behavior

    Nothing wierd about this I guess, but I love when my little niger (4") steals food right from my puffer or emp angels mouth. They are twice his size so he grabs it and runs in the rockwork to eat. Sometimes they give chase but he is by far the fastest fish in my tank.
  18. boalgf

    Lighting for fish only tanks

    I picked 50/50 actinics because I didn't want to change light fixtures, just enhance the color. It's an intense blue look. Makes my emp angel look like he's at a rave.
  19. boalgf

    Stock list?

    Originally Posted by psusocr1 triggers will pick at sharks and rays so you have to scratch him for bamboob sharks to breed i would say 4-600 gallons for two of them or a footprint of at least 8x4 if your going to do it right I second this. It wouldn't be the best idea to mix the trigger and...
  20. boalgf

    Fish are Friends not food?

    Butterfllies, foxface, groupers, or a passive eel would work.