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  1. boalgf

    Feeding Live food to your fish.

    I agree that brine shrimp aren't nutritous for your fish. What kind of fish are you trying to feed live food to?
  2. boalgf

    Tank Size for Tangs (Help)

    Good thing there is an edit button lol. My hippo has grown about 2-3" in a year. I've heard of others who grew slower and others faster. Sometimes you just have to know people are full of "it" though. Like when I read on one of these posts that someones blue tang had grown from 3" to 10" in a...
  3. boalgf

    Tank Size for Tangs (Help)

    These fish can get to 1 foot, but they hardly ever do when being kept in an aquarium their whole lives. Still, I think 6 ft is the minimum for an adult. I have a 7" blue hippo and it is very active. Swims from one end of the tank to the other all day long. It's hard for me to imagine putting her...
  4. boalgf

    Red Coris Wrasse, Anyone?

    Have any pics?
  5. boalgf

    Lets see your unusual pets

    They are from New Guinea. They are a secret though, so don't tell anyone. Just a joke. It's just that they aren't very well known for some wierd reason. They are the best looking birds I've ever seen and talk/sing as well as the famous african greys (best talking parrots in the world).
  6. boalgf

    What about this for fish?

    Originally Posted by Dogstar Not that Im trying to get into an argument with you boalgf, I respect your thoughts, but I got rid of one of my hippos after haveing it 4 years, :( from my 150g when it got 7 inches because in a normal reef packed with rock and corals and other fish just haveing 6...
  7. boalgf

    What about this for fish?

    I also agree that the yellow won't be a problem more than likely, though they are one of the more aggressive and territorial tangs. I can't see a blue tang outgrowing a 6ft tank, even if they get to a full foot in length. Most that were caught young normally stop growing at about 10" in the home...
  8. boalgf

    What about this for fish?

    Kole, convict, blue, atlantic blue to name a few. Also if you want something yellow you can get a foxface. They are very passive and much more durable than a tang.
  9. boalgf

    Red Coris Wrasse, Anyone?

    I am glad to hear it as well. I've gotten rid of some fish that weren't being very active so i'm looking for a colorful replacement.
  10. boalgf

    Agressive tank cleaning

    Are they the same as the battery operated kind?
  11. boalgf

    Agressive tank cleaning

    Originally Posted by tjake68 i have red starry hermits there huge but very smart they only come out when its lights out and all triggers and puffers are sleeping i loose one every couple off months also vacume sand 1time aweek plus water change like clock work :jumping: I tried those plastic...
  12. boalgf

    Ok what do you think about this set up ??

    Originally Posted by surfinusa i heard that coral beauties get to be 10 inches :notsure: That would kinda' negate the idea of a dwarf angel. You are probably thinking of a large angel called Rock beauty angels and even they only get to 8".
  13. boalgf

    could i get a green moray

    This is an eel better left in the ocean. They get big fast and most public aquariums won't take them off your hands when they get too big for a home tank. You can't keep them with other fish, they eat large amounts of food. Also, when you are ready to get it out, it will be one painful move...
  14. boalgf

    Ok what do you think about this set up ??

    Originally Posted by Jerrybsal I disagree with a 150 being too small for an Emepror Angel, I have one in a 125 FOWLR and it will be 7 years this summer.As long as he has swimming room and clean water he should be fine. Tank by the way is 6' long. Nimo says in the post right above yours that the...
  15. boalgf

    Agressive tank cleaning

    Originally Posted by lion_crazz Definitely depends on the fish. My refugium keeps my tank clean and algae-free. Yep. Mine as well. Heavy water movement using powerheads also does a big part. For anything extra that pops up just get a mag float and use a long handled net to pick up any debris...
  16. boalgf

    Aggressive Foxface

    Originally Posted by rrundle77 oh my god This post is over a year old Yep. lol But it is good to let prospective foxface buyers know that even if it's wild in the beginning it will probably calm down after a while. Oh and I'm at about the same spot you are now. My powder blue is harrassing the...
  17. boalgf

    post your angels

    Yea you can keep more than one per tank if you do it right. I need to get some better pics of my emp angel. he is almost fully in to his adult coloration.
  18. boalgf

    Aggressive Foxface

    This all happened over a year ago, but now the foxface is as passive as everyone says. The powder blue is the only real mean one in the tank. I've got an emperor and trigger in there now and got rid of the lion. The porc puffer has quickly become the biggest fish in the tank.
  19. boalgf

    Huma Trigger is wrecking shop

    I normally wait about 1 month between adding fish to my tank. If your tank hasn't really become mature yet (6months after cycle) you definitely want to wait at least that long. What do you plan to do from here?
  20. boalgf

    Huma Trigger is wrecking shop

    Too many fish added at the same time can cause a bio load meltdown. You had too much in a 29 and it sounds like it just caught up with you. Sorry for your loss. Have you tested your levels yet?