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  1. arasa

    Blue Ribbon Eel

    Hey Member 007 I got a black ribbon eel last night and he looks awesome. I was wondering as you mentioned it was difficult to start feeding if I should immediately tried frozen as it is hard to wean them on to frozen from live? Can I use Intice or some garlic juice to also initiate feeding? I...
  2. arasa

    Acclimating Mollies into saltwater

    I got a bunch of mollies, mostly balloon mollies, but i wasnt sure if only the blacks can be acclimated into saltwater? Can any molly be acclimated given the long drip method?
  3. arasa

    Powder Brown Tangs

    HAs anyone kept the powder brown tangs in a fish only aquariums? I know they are difficult fish but what can one do to keep them well in captivity, such as feeding, tank setup, etc. Are they generally hardier than the Powder Blue tangs?
  4. arasa

    Angelfish Conclusion

    Sorry I know I started so many treads on angelfish but just doing research before I settle on something. I came down to four angels, and was wondering if you guys can help me decide: Flame Angel - like it, but concerned about sensitivity Majestic Angel- again worried about sensitivity Black...
  5. arasa

    Flame Angelfish

    Whoops Sorry i forgot to add the question but I guess tyler figured it out Yeah I want to keep one but wasnt sure if it was particularily an easy speciment to keep. I have a 100 gallon, but fish only, so DO I have to add algae sheet in every day, as I dont turn on the light much, and the...
  6. arasa

    Flame Angelfish

    I posted a thread earlier on emperor and french angels. But now I realize flame angels provides the same color display as the larger angels along with other dwarf angels. I have however heard that they along with most angels large or small tend to be picky about water quality. If this is so, I...
  7. arasa

    King Angelfish

    I am by no mean planning to keep the king angelfish due to its immense size, but was wondering what fish can be kept with it? My friend lost his dog-face puffer after aggression with the king angel.
  8. arasa

    Conspicuous angelfish

    Has anyone seen conspicuous angelfish in retail recently? I know its a rare fish, and quite costly, which I am willing to pay anything for, but any online stores, or retail stores that are generally capable of bringing them in would be appreciated
  9. arasa

    Large Angelfish

    Hey What Species of large angelfish would be suitable for a 100 gallon aquarium? I was leaning towards french angelfish, but was not sure if they are hard to take care of, or what about the emperor angel? Do they need any specific requirements? I plan on keeping this a single specimen tank...
  10. arasa

    White Ribbon Eel (Ghost Eel) Pics & Video

    With regards to the maintenance, how often do you do water changes? And while you have the tank open with the siphon, is there a chance that he may jump out? I planning on getting one very soon, (you are very persuasive), but any ideas on what I can do to induce it to feed? Thanks
  11. arasa

    White Ribbon Eel (Ghost Eel) Pics & Video

    Hey Member 007 How often do you feed the eel, and what is the maintenance like for it?
  12. arasa

    Ribbon Eel

    Hey I want to buy the black ribbon eel from this online store. Does anyone have an idea if all the shipments made are eating? If so, I have 125 gallon aquarium and wanted to keep the eel as a single specimen. Any suggestions? (i bought a custom made acrylic top so that the eel doesn't jump out.)