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  1. srfisher17

    can i add another tang to my tank

    Quote: Originally Posted by fishlover27 i have a 125 gal tank thinking about getting a rabbit fish wrasse and a angel and a couple of gobies, i already have a sailfin and yellow tang, maroon clown, couple of chromis, and a diamond goby The Naso & sailfin will easily outgrow your tank. The YT &...
  2. srfisher17

    How many tangs?

    Quote: Originally Posted by A&A2 How many tangs can you keep in a 125 gallon tank. I have a yellow tang, blue tang, and rabbit fish in my tank now. I just added a sailfin tang? Does anyone have any success keeping all three of these? I'm sure some, somewhere has; short term anyhow. But that...
  3. srfisher17

    Blue eyed Anthias

    Quote: Originally Posted by Flower Here is a fish information magazine site for info on the fish you want to know about. I Googled just like I told you to. It is loaded with info on what they eat, how big they get and how hardy they are. When it comes to research, you can't be lazy and just...
  4. srfisher17

    can i add another tang to my tank

    How big a tank ? Other fish you have and are getting?
  5. srfisher17

    Got a Hippo today. Wedged under rock

    Quote: Originally Posted by Beth If you're saying that you dosed your FO with copper, that really is not a good option. Copper will effect you bio-filter considerably, and, because it is not so easy to remove from the tank, that contamination could be long-term. Hypo, however, would work well...
  6. srfisher17

    anemone and clown question

    This is (IMO & IME) a very "iffy" area. Some paired clowns will not tolerate any other clowns, period. They are more territorial than aggressive, but can easily claim an entire 90 gal tank as their territory. Smaller species of clowns like Percs or Ocellaris may do well, but may not. Mated...
  7. srfisher17

    Achilles Tang - Awesome FISH!!!!

    Quote: Originally Posted by florida joe Yeah; I don't think a definitive cause for HLLE has ever been proved; lots of theories, like Joe said, but even the published experts don't agree on a cause.
  8. srfisher17

    Achilles Tang - Awesome FISH!!!!

    Coral dips kill pests that bother coral. There are stages of ich that can be on coral that are not killed by dips. Unless 100% sure that corals have been at least 8 weeks in water that is fish free----the coral should QTd. Many LFS have corals and fish on the same system and those corals could...
  9. srfisher17

    Achilles Tang - Awesome FISH!!!!

    Quote: Originally Posted by tannersmith200 Coral dips kill pests that bother coral. There are stages of ich that can be on coral that are not killed by dips. Unless 100% sure that corals have been at least 8 weeks in water that is fish free----the coral should QTd. Many LFS have corals and fish...
  10. srfisher17

    Achilles Tang - Awesome FISH!!!!

    Quote: Originally Posted by deejeff442 ive never seen an achilles online without a restriction shipping gaurantee. there are a handfull of expert level fish like this. Does SWF.C have a restriction on any fish? i didn't think they did and can't find any reference to one.
  11. srfisher17

    queen triggerfish

    Just check around,Caribbean fish are often hard to find in the winter.
  12. srfisher17

    Achilles Tang - Awesome FISH!!!!

    The largest online dealer never has any shipping restrictions. Everything they sell, thru all their companies has a 100% no-restriction guarantee. This includes "expert-only fish.
  13. srfisher17

    Achilles Tang - Awesome FISH!!!!

    Quote: Originally Posted by mkroher The achilles is a fish I definitely would want to see in a LFS before buying. It's a huge gamble buying them online.. you never know what you'll get (considering the huge price tag). Problem is the LFS around here don't want to stock a $200+ fish :( I've...
  14. srfisher17

    Got a Hippo today. Wedged under rock

    Quote: Originally Posted by Sparty059 Just know if you go the copper route your QT will no longer be able to be used as a tank outside of QT if you ever decide to change it into a display tank. Being that it's so small I dno't think you're going to make it a display and it'll be your...
  15. srfisher17

    Got a Hippo today. Wedged under rock

    If this is ich; only hypo or copper will cure it. Putting this fish into your DT before the ich is treated is a certain disaster and every day you wait to treat it decreases the odds of the tang surviving. I agree: the temp is too low, but a higher temp will not cure ich. I think "a little ich"...
  16. srfisher17

    Got a Hippo today. Wedged under rock

    IMO & IME: you cannot get a fish that refuses a variety of foods to eat by just offering it something else. If this fish won't eat brine or mysis, its doubtful that he's ready to eat anything. Even though tangs are herbivores, they will almost always eat meaty foods before veggies and a Hippo is...
  17. srfisher17

    Got a Hippo today. Wedged under rock

    I don't understand the panic; this is the 4th day you've had him, right? If so, that isn't unusually long, many fish can take a week or longer to eat for the first time. They can go much longer than this without eating. Its behavior is odd though, are you sure ich isn't a factor?
  18. srfisher17

    Got a Juvi Emperor Angelfish and Yellow Tang doesnt approved... HELP

    I don't think any fish will eat anything until its ready. Almost any fish will eat brine shrimp, although (IMO) it isn't much of a food for them. (Spiulina enriched BS is, though.) Give him some time, its not at all unusual for a new fish to go for a week or more before eating.
  19. srfisher17

    Got a Juvi Emperor Angelfish and Yellow Tang doesnt approved... HELP

    Quote: Originally Posted by RCreations Also, an Emperor Angel is going to outgrow a 75gal tank. Just thought I'd mention that. That's for sure. One online dealer suggests 220 gal minimum.. I don't think a YT belongs in a 75 either. I just don't see any way this will work long-term. A 4' tank...
  20. srfisher17

    squirting lionfish

    Quote: Originally Posted by kuja My lionfish Kuja also does a sort of dance and follows you around. Whenever I put my arm into the water to feed the other fish he will also grab onto my arm as if he is begging for food. He is very cute ^^. I have yet to be stung by i am still a little...