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  1. tscuda

    OK I know alot of you do it so lets hear fish names.

    A Clown named Kinko. If you remember that song.
  2. tscuda

    mini serpant??

    I just found what seems to be a mini serpant. No not a mini brittle I have many of those. It's tan with dark brown stripes on the legs. Legs are about 3 inches long and really dont seem to be much of a body. Ive had my sump running since sept so I dont think its a baby serpant. And Ive never...
  3. tscuda

    Sand from cichlid tank?

    Did you use any meds that contained cooper???? If so dont do it.
  4. tscuda

    tank parameters are fine , but my water looks "brownish" ?

    The Pura pad has carbon in it. I change mine bi weekly.The salt clogs up the pores in carbon pretty fast. Just rinseing doesnt do it.
  5. tscuda

    Please ID Hitchhiker... clams?

    I have a few in sump. 1 pure white 2 white with red/brown markings and 1 real bright yellow. All are smaller then a pea. I sure hope they grow larger.
  6. tscuda


    Where you moving to in Mi? If your moving in the Detroit area You could ship the fish here and use my 20 gal qt tank.
  7. tscuda

    skimmer issues and unidentified stuff

    I dont belive the air inlet tube should have water in it. Seems the water isnt letting the air in to make the bubbles.
  8. tscuda


    25X's in a hex? Sounds like a swirly to me.
  9. tscuda

    Cleaning an unfilled tank safely?

    HOT water and vinagar. You dont have to be shy with the vinager. I used a gallon to clean my 55 tank. And if you really want to get your moneys worth. Dump the used water in your washing machine and let it sit over nite. Run it the next day like you would be doing a load. That will clean out all...
  10. tscuda

    Something else needs to be done about this

    A Fox Face will take care of it in no time.
  11. tscuda

    nassarius snails????

    Didnt I see one in a movie eating some guys brain?
  12. tscuda

    Insulting Inexperienced People

    Originally Posted by Ray28576 The main reason I think people come off as being rude is due to typing. When you talk you use differnt tones and expressions so things don't seem rude. However, when you type things, it can sound rude to the person reading it, but not the one who wrote it. I know...
  13. tscuda

    snail I.D. ?

    Thats what I was told mine are.
  14. tscuda

    cant find these on the hitch-hiker thread...any ideas?

    Looks like turds to me. When you say nothing in the tank you mean nothing you put in. If thats live rock then something is in there.
  15. tscuda

    Omg What Is This?

    Well kill it if you must. But that nasty ol worm will be more good then harm. If it was eating your snail then the snail was prolly on its way out anyways. I have a 100 or more in my tank and sump with no problems. But if you have 1 there's a lot more in there. I put 1 in my sump that is at...
  16. tscuda

    spider-like creature in live rock

    Well since theres a 1000 different kinds of crabs its hard to tell without a pic. I have 2 that sounds like yours but have black tips on the claws. I put them in my sump. They seem to be harmless algea eaters. Put a piece of meaty food near it and see if it eats it.
  17. tscuda

    Omg What Is This?

    I wouldnt worry too much about it. They eat the extra food and crap off the bottom. When they get large is when you start to watch them. I have not seen any of mine trying to eat anything alive. But I did see them trying to take food from my hermits. But if you feel you have to remove them use...
  18. tscuda


    It means their feeding or trying to feed. Depends on how much Plankton it in the water. Its really hard to tell whats on their mind. But mine gets fed every other day 2 table spoons. It seems to be happy and heathy for about 2 1/2 months now.
  19. tscuda

    HELP!!!! Girlfriends gift

    While the tank is in its cycle. Look thru the fish pics on this site and go to many fish stores to see what fish interest you. But before you buy ask us about them. Many of them wont go together or will get to big for a 55 gallon tank. ie: I had to stop my girl friend from buying a Dog Face...
  20. tscuda

    Anyone from MI goin to the MMC 2006??

    Where and when???