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  1. msez2u

    Sea Watch- reef problems in the Sea of Cortez

    ...Oh I wish I could [hr] that guy with his own hook to show him what it feels like. Those poor fish. We are just as bad tho, we sit here and cant big enough tanks to stock the fish we want. If it wasn't for people like us buying these fish up not for food reasons but for show then some of...
  2. msez2u

    this weekends gona be one to remember

    Congrats...I made my husband follow the old school rule month salary on the engagement ring and 3 month salary on the wedding set...He could have bought a small car for the price of my ring.
  3. msez2u

    what is your stock list

    Originally Posted by MIKE22cha My 125: Fish: Purple Tang Sailfin Tang Coral Beauty Angelfish Lawnmower Blenny 2xGreen Chromises Foxface 2xClarkii Clownfish Inverts: Hermit Crabs Snails (Astreas, Turbo, and some sort of tiger snail that burrows itself?) Conchs Orange Linka Starfish Hitch hicker...
  4. msez2u


    Congrats on the new fish. We have one and he is the biggest baby of the tank. My hermits move to fast and he runs to his hidey hole and shakes lol. I always thought they were agressive little guys until I did more research and found out that they aren't so my oldest son wanted one and he is...
  5. msez2u

    Greatest Auction of All Time About to Happen

    I also would love to buy somethings from him and you. Email sent.
  6. msez2u

    bridge collapse in minneapolis

    My husband was in line to cross the bridge when it all came to a stop. I pray for god's hand to watch over him and his truck everyday hes not here with me. Today god was watching over him for sure..
  7. msez2u

    Moving outta state - suggestions??

    Ohhhh. Please let us know how the move all goes. We are looking at moving to NE from OKC. I'm so scare about moving the tank I've told my husband I'm just staying here lol and he can move. For some reason he isn't going for that thought.
  8. msez2u

    going to sell all....(will part out) and ship

    How well do the fish really transport. I want the puffer and lion. Just don't want a funeral after being all excited about getting them.
  9. msez2u

    What do you do for a living?

    HI I'm Sabrina and I'm addicted to saltwater fish lol. No really I'm a GI nurse so I look at butts and guts all day I ask myself everyday why this nursing job lol. I have a few jobs actually I'm the wife of a retired navy officer who couldn't sit still anymore and wanted to live his dream of...
  10. msez2u

    Michael Vick

    Stands up and applauses SUDC...If I was innocent I would be screaming it to the world and trust me everyone would know what I have to say. This man has said nothing he has sat back with his higher then Thou attitude and watched the world revolve around him. Honestly if you were told to sit down...
  11. msez2u

    cyano bacteria chemi-clean

    Make sure you follow what it says on the back of the box. We used it once and didn't follow it right and it did not work. The next time we used it, it worked great and within 2 days it was cleared up and gone. You have to follow it to a T for it to work properly.
  12. msez2u

    Spiders, Bristle Stars and Corals.. Oh My!

    Wow thats neat. I didn't know anything like that exsisted. So snails are what makes the web???
  13. msez2u

    White purple tip anemone

    So feeding it better food will make the color come back??? am I understanding this correct. I feed mine mysis and have for 6 months now along with a stinky red liquid twice a week. So I should change the food?? to help get some of the color back in the tips.
  14. msez2u

    My Clown's Host Anemone Tried To Eat Her!

    I had this same thing happen to me a few weeks back. I did the same thing you did rescued my clown and put her in a net and held her under the overflow to force oxygen into her. Like yours she recovered but is very shy of the anemone now. I was told by someone who studies anemones that once they...
  15. msez2u


    Send them my way .
  16. msez2u

    Pom Pom Crab

    I'm not quite sure how his little anemone's work. I've got one and have had him for about 6 months now or so and every once in awhile he will drop them. A few days later I will notice that hes got one or both again. Then there are times he's got something other then an anemone that he uses to...
  17. msez2u

    R.I.P. Mandarin

    :( I'm sorry to hear about that. He was beautiful.
  18. msez2u

    oh boy a nemo!!!......

    Dont do it...its a trap lol. You will get a little kid like I did that will follow you around bugging you the rest of the day lol
  19. msez2u

    Cleaner shrimp pulled a ton of junk out of condi???

    OMG..I cant stop laughing at the comments... I'm a GI nurse so I look at butts and guts all day and listen to people talk about stuff that would make most people run away. I come home and what the topic of talk on SWF but anemone poop. Yes thats what the shrimp was eating. I've got an anemone...
  20. msez2u

    How to make wife LOVE your reef tank!!!

    Shoot I thought my husband throwing my engagment ring into my margarita at dinner was a great idea.. everyone in the resturant knew what was going on but me. That was an awesome idea you did tho, its going to be something special she will remember forever.