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  1. joker_ca

    dying flame

    what other fish do u have in your aquarium, and was he eating before u bought him?
  2. joker_ca

    skimmer for sale

    selling aqua c Remora skimmer with prefilter/skimmer box, used for 8 months in great condition will sell for $80 shipped
  3. joker_ca

    Wtb: Skimmer And Uv Steralizer

    i have a aquac remora w/ skimmer box for $90 shipped
  4. joker_ca

    remora skimmer for sale

    ok someone make me a reasonable offer
  5. joker_ca

    remora skimmer for sale

  6. joker_ca

    remora skimmer for sale

    yes its still for sale
  7. joker_ca

    remora skimmer for sale

  8. joker_ca

    remora skimmer for sale

    pic #1
  9. joker_ca

    remora skimmer for sale

    it comes with the maxi jet pump, i'll send pics tomorrow since im at work right now
  10. joker_ca

    remora skimmer for sale

    selling aquac remora skimmer w/ prefilter overflow box, only used for less than a year $90 plus shipping
  11. joker_ca

    New longnose

    is it a copperband or just the regular yellow longnose
  12. joker_ca

    New longnose

    is anybody bullying ur longnose? also which kind do u have? u could try feeding live food sometimes that can be a trigger for them, also fresh fish or shrimp helps them to start eating
  13. joker_ca

    skimmer question

    aqua c makes really good skimmers
  14. joker_ca

    Found a hitchhiker brittle star

    im pretty sure he'll stay small i have them in my tank, they grow to around the size of a quarter. dont worry about it they help keep ur tank clean
  15. joker_ca

    skimmer question

    well how are u going to use it, in a sump or HOB
  16. joker_ca

    selling protein skimmer

    ok i spent 200 at for it, but i'll do OBO
  17. joker_ca

    selling protein skimmer

    ok guys im selling my aqua c remora skimmer w/overflow box it comes with the maxi-jet pump, this is one of the best HOB skimmers on the market asking for 150+ shipping, but i would perfer a local buyer
  18. joker_ca

    selling protein skimmer

    ok guys i have for sale a AQUA C REMORA SKIMMER W/ OVERFLOW BOX for sale, it comes with a maxijet pump. its rated for 75g and under i dont have to write about how good this skimmer is because almost everyone knows how good the remora is asking for 150+ shipping, but i perfer a local buyer
  19. joker_ca

    protien skimmer and power head question...

    im not trying to be insulting but the skimmer u have just causes to much headach, agian i suggest posting in the DIY section maybe someone can help u out better than i can or maybe theres a mod for ur skimmer someone knows about good luck
  20. joker_ca

    maroon clowns

    i second that NO! maroons are one of the most territorial clowns out there