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  1. oneradtek

    So, New tank......

  2. oneradtek

    Salt of choice?

    reef crystals(40$ a bucket where im from) and dose BRS ca and alk, ALOT cheaper
  3. oneradtek

    Experienced Freshwater Hobbyist interested in starting with saltwater!

    check local listings on craigslist and see if u can pick up a used salt water setup for cheaper. and it will usually come with more goodies
  4. oneradtek

    Black spots on clowns?

    yes it will go away, i would not worry about black ich, ive never personally seen it and yes only tangs usually get it
  5. oneradtek

    Black spots on clowns?

    it is probably hypermelanization of the pigments in the skin. my clowns used to get it when they hosted my zoas this pic u can see a little bit on the upper lip area but it got worse
  6. oneradtek

    So, New tank......

    HELLO EVERYONE, sorry for the lack of posts, but ive been busy on -- posting. I just added a new octopus skimmer to the system and everything is still going well. ill post pix soon
  7. oneradtek

    So, New tank......

  8. oneradtek

    So, New tank......

    it was a baby hot pink bubble tip anemone, but i got it when it wasnt doing so good. it never made it. yea my bta was a beast, and i was lucky it never moved. it got sold for 160$ and was super heavy lol, i still have a clone of it in my tank
  9. oneradtek

    So, New tank......

  10. oneradtek

    So, New tank......

    a cool growth sequence of a superman monti i saved
  11. oneradtek

    So, New tank......

  12. oneradtek

    So, New tank......

    new FTS march 2010
  13. oneradtek

    So, New tank......

    thanks Mark, more pics to come. Currently today helping afriend setup his new Miracles 100 gal long tank. Should be a sweet setup when all said and done
  14. oneradtek

    So, New tank......

  15. oneradtek

    So, New tank......

  16. oneradtek

    So, New tank......

    heres a quick updated pic
  17. oneradtek

    So, New tank......

    kinda been a few but heres a quick pic or 2
  18. oneradtek


    me too, and also the melanurus wrasse eats FW(in my avatar). im wondering why they got soo out of control?? excess nutrients?
  19. oneradtek

    So, New tank......

    thanks , ill be adding more pics to come
  20. oneradtek

    So, New tank......

    thanks, yea the baby clowns are doing good. i thought i would sell them but i just cant. so i have them in there own 10 gallon tank lol