it is probably hypermelanization of the pigments in the skin. my clowns used to get it when they hosted my zoas
this pic u can see a little bit on the upper lip area but it got worse
HELLO EVERYONE, sorry for the lack of posts, but ive been busy on -- posting. I just added a new octopus skimmer to the system and everything is still going well. ill post pix soon
it was a baby hot pink bubble tip anemone, but i got it when it wasnt doing so good. it never made it. yea my bta was a beast, and i was lucky it never moved. it got sold for 160$ and was super heavy lol, i still have a clone of it in my tank
thanks Mark, more pics to come. Currently today helping afriend setup his new Miracles 100 gal long tank. Should be a sweet setup when all said and done