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  1. oneradtek

    RC's 125 gallon "Revive" tank thread!

    o i just figured that was for the meth lab lol
  2. oneradtek

    can anyone ID this please

    def a encrusting monti... even more specifically i think its a Confusa Montipora
  3. oneradtek

    A cool SPS photo

    kind of hard from the picture and the intense actinic glow on it. Look up a few of these and see if any match it. Stylophora ....these can be green a species of hysterix or birdsnest pocillipora too perhaps. all of these species are very close though, it would be better to take a picture of it...
  4. oneradtek

    SPS and LPS differences. Pros/Cons. Difficulty level.

    yup and also there are huge differences in lighting requirements between sps and lps. SPS love stronger flowing tanks, intense lighting and good water conditions. however as i have learned, this doesnt mean to go overboard with water changes and GFO and carbon and all sorts of stuff, it can...
  5. oneradtek

    RC's 125 gallon "Revive" tank thread!

    But what do you use that sub-woofer for? :D jk looks like the fish are happy again to me!
  6. oneradtek

    New Tank Cycling

    ok so it seems that your cycle is more in the middle of it than the end. ammonia is still .25 and that means it probably on teh trailing end of it and should drop to zero soon. Then you have to wait until your nitrite goes down to zero also. Both of these are very toxic to animals. after those...
  7. oneradtek

    Smartwave Pump Controller Questions - Is Alternate Flow Better?

    it kind of depends on the type of fish/coral you have in your tank. id say the 750's are on the low side of flow which is good for softies and lps and all round good community fish. if you have any hard corals and schooling fish such as chromis and anthias, then you would need either higher flow...
  8. oneradtek

    Lighting schedule?

    i dont know what kind of lighting you have but here is what i have for my schedule... Metal Halide= 9am-6pm t5 = 5pm-7pm
  9. oneradtek

    TOTM December WINNER

    thank you everyone! happy new year
  10. oneradtek

    So, New tank......

    Thanks everyone. I finally feel that my tank has gotten to an autopilot just have to make sire there's ca mag and alk ... and water changes and of course heavy feedings with that beast of a skimmer I have
  11. oneradtek

    TOTM December Picture Submissions

    well, here i go again....
  12. oneradtek

    So, New tank......

    2011 full tank shot....... here it is at the end of this year
  13. oneradtek

    So, New tank......

    i beleive thats the male, there are 3 more in my tank, i just so happened to only get the 1 in the picture
  14. oneradtek

    So, New tank......

    A lone anthias, amongst my SPS...
  15. oneradtek

    So, New tank......

    Thanx...a lot of personality....he's 4". For now lol
  16. oneradtek

    So, New tank......

    a little better post processing
  17. oneradtek

    So, New tank......

    My two-barred rabbitfish images of my "hidden" portion of my system in my basement
  18. oneradtek

    TOTM November Picture Submissions

    which one? in the middle? thats my basketball size frogspawn, that was a 75 gallon
  19. oneradtek

    TOTM November Picture Submissions

    can i post my tank when it was younger? well i guess heres my real submission
  20. oneradtek

    an unscientific poll

    switzerland....because even though id be poor, its beautiful