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  1. reefboys


    Yeah I go along with that. 6 feet atleast and when they grow to adult size maybe even bigger.
  2. reefboys

    A List of Extremely Helpful Threads for All Hobbyists

    Maybe even consider pulling back a Tang specific thread just listing some of the demands of Tangs seeing as they are one of the most commonly bought fish. Great great job by the way! This will help people tremendously! Thanks.
  3. reefboys


    Ok I was hopin to stay out of this debate but I can't take it anymore. Sharkboy, I'm with ya 100% on this one! Tangs need 6 feet of swim room minimum no matter what. I don't care if its a half inch little baby. Eventually that little Sailfin Tang is gonna be 15 inches long. And yeah maybe...
  4. reefboys is shutting down forever TODAY!!!

    Originally Posted by reefkprZ probably start dating again............. Ouch... That was harsh lol.
  5. reefboys

    Blades of Glory

    It was probably the most ridiculous movie I've ever seen. It had a few funny moments but with the price of movie tickets these days(mine was $8.50!!!) save your money and go see 300. 300 was the best movie of all time.
  6. reefboys

    210 gallon eel tank

    Yeah they are absolutely gorgeous.
  7. reefboys

    if you could....stock list

    As beautiful as Clown Tangs are they're not worth the money that you are guaranteed to lose. They are one of the most finicky eaters in the hobby. I was lucky enough to get mine to eat mysis and Marine Cuisine right off the bat but eventually she just wasn't eating enough and started getting...
  8. reefboys

    210 gallon eel tank

    Very interested in a Fire Coral Eel. Anybody have any experience or thoughts to share on those?
  9. reefboys

    210 gallon eel tank

    Oh wonderful lol
  10. reefboys

    210 gallon eel tank

    Triggers? Lions? Puffers?
  11. reefboys

    210 gallon eel tank

    What if any fish would be compatible with lets say a Dragon, Banana, or Zebra?
  12. reefboys

    History Question of the Day

    I knew that!!!! I knew that!!!! Oh my god I knew History classes would pay off some day! lol
  13. reefboys

    210 gallon eel tank

    Yeah thats definately the down side to Dragons...
  14. reefboys

    210 gallon eel tank

    Alright thats cool, I'm really not a fan of Green Morays anyways. Thats one fish that should just be left in the ocean. I'm quite fond of Dragon Morays...
  15. reefboys

    210 gallon eel tank

    Hey everybody, I'm considering converting my 210 to house an eel. I have a few basic questions. What eel is best suited for a 210 gallon tank (72x24x30)? Crushed coral or a fine live sand? How much LR and how should it be arranged? What fish if any could be housed with the eel? Any...
  16. reefboys

    ICH outbreak in a 210 FOWLR

    Inverts are not an issue. What more can you tell me about copper?
  17. reefboys

    ICH outbreak in a 210 FOWLR

    Hey everybody, I've had a fairly major ICH outbreak in my 210. My Harlequin Tusk and Dogface Puffer are absolutely covered while the rest of my inhabitants are showing no signs of it. I'm currently treating with Probiotic Marine Formula which has seemed to help a little bit. Any thoughts? Thanks
  18. reefboys

    finally.. 125 gallon octopus

    He could always try a Blue Ring Octo in his 29 gallon... Just kidding. Thats not even funny. He'd probably die.
  19. reefboys

    What fish should i get.

    I completely agree with you but nearly every tank (yes there are some exceptions) has or will have some introduction of ICH into their system. It can be so miniscule that you'll never notice it but its still there.
  20. reefboys

    What fish should i get.

    Also we'd love to see some pics... Hint hint...