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  1. reefboys

    anyone play runescape?

    Good lord I can't stand Runescape... I'm really not a gamer but I had to go out and buy an Xbox360 lol. I have one game: Oblivion and holy crap is that game amazing lol.
  2. reefboys

    Painting Sailboat...

    Beautiful boat! Whats the length? Looks like a 29 footer or so???
  3. reefboys

    Stock list for 150g FOWLR tank

    Thats definately a Blue Angel.
  4. reefboys

    Age of perosn that has a Big Tank 250+

    I also only have a 210 gallon. I'm 16. Convinced the parents to buy the tank and equipment and I buy everything else.
  5. reefboys

    Reefboys' 210 FOWLR Tank Pictures!

    Hey Goodwin did you see my post about the Sohal in your thread?
  6. reefboys

    Christmas present is finished

    Yeah I just noticed that, whats up with the Scopas? The Emperor looks amazing though!
  7. reefboys

    28 bow front

    Other than the tang issue though, your tank looks great!!!
  8. reefboys

    28 bow front

    And a flame guy....
  9. reefboys

    28 bow front

    I'm gonna add like 20 more of those head smashing into a wall things...
  10. reefboys

    Start of one "BIG" SPS tank

    Ah Goodwin you should have told me you were lookin for a Sohal! I have one thats absolutely beautiful thats about 6 inches. Unfortuneately she was pickin on the Clown Tang so I had to take her to the LFS that I work at. If ya ever make it up to Fargo, let me know and maybe we can try to hook...
  11. reefboys

    Picture Contest for Newbies ONLY

    Ok thats fine. Sorry for the inconvenience. Great pictures Marin!
  12. reefboys

    Picture Contest for Newbies ONLY

    Oh sorry my bad, do you mind if I repost them at a smaller size? If not, no big deal.
  13. reefboys

    Reefboys' 210 FOWLR Tank Pictures!

    Great shot of the Tusk. You can really see his teeth.
  14. reefboys

    Picture Contest for Newbies ONLY

    Why were my entries deleted?
  15. reefboys

    Picture Contest for Newbies ONLY

    Here are my two. Enjoy! My Harlequin: And the male in my pair of Diamond Gobies:
  16. reefboys

    Photo contest for Newbies.

    Haha disregard my last post. Thanks.
  17. reefboys

    Photo contest for Newbies.

    Haha, is that a no?
  18. reefboys

    Photo contest for Newbies.

    Ok thats cool, am I allowed to compete lol?
  19. reefboys

    Picture Contest for Newbies ONLY

    Or am I allowed to compete?
  20. reefboys

    Photo contest for Newbies.

    Hey, if you still need a judge or you just want a 4th I'd love to do it. Just let me know.