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  1. thankgod4fish

    Tetra idiots causing death to our friends

    That's terrible... I've heard of that bit on that show and even read overanalyzer's letter to the station but never actually saw the clip... thanks for sharing.
  2. thankgod4fish

    Sammys 4th annual pumpkin carving contest pics.

    These are ours... nothing like yours sammy, but not everyone can be killer pumpkin carvers... hmph!! :p
  3. thankgod4fish

    compatibility with royal gramma

    I don't have experience with either (my tank's still cycling) but I read on a few compatibility charts that they're not compatible. I'm sure someone with more experience will chime in and confirm or advise otherwise... WELCOME TO THE BOARDS! :) :D :) :D
  4. thankgod4fish


    congrats... I wanna see some pics when you get it :)
  5. thankgod4fish

    cleaner shrimp

    Originally posted by lovethesea Thanks!! Ok, now, what is on your avatar?? fish eye? fish egg? human eye? just curious...:D he's been getting that a lot :D
  6. thankgod4fish

    Tales from the LFS: Part 1

    Originally posted by Scotts What is a Morton??????:p :p :p Scott I almost responed with an answer to that one... good thing for the :p 's
  7. thankgod4fish


    I believe alti has one too
  8. thankgod4fish

    55 gallon DFW

    found one, nevermind.
  9. thankgod4fish

    Emperor Aquatics Skimmer

    I don't have one of those, but I looked at the product guide for it (at the link below) and I think you're right on the money on your #1 question... As far as the tube on the output, I believe thats what the manufacturer calls their "venturi air injector manifold." Like on the Maxi-Jet...
  10. thankgod4fish

    I have scratched the glass!

    I didn't think so either, but hey, ya never know
  11. thankgod4fish

    lets see some psudochromis

    Nice you two.... Blondie, I really like that first one
  12. thankgod4fish

    Trying on the costume

    those are great!! :D
  13. thankgod4fish

    I have scratched the glass!

    I'd like to know too, if someone actually knows!
  14. thankgod4fish

    How to rid your tank of Red-Slime!

    Awesome post Justin
  15. thankgod4fish

    Tales from the LFS: Part 1

    Funny story Rye and others.... I can really appreciate and respect patient and knowledgable LFS employees... I can only imagine what it's like to have to bite your tongue all the time when the know-it-alls walk in..
  16. thankgod4fish

    pics of you guys!

    Originally posted by sammystingray Unfortunately, the whole nurse fantasy thing is wasted on mom is a nurse, and growing up........I saw her in the uniform too many thousands of times.......:( :( Pretty much ruined that one for me. I feel cheated somewhat. heheh.. same here...
  17. thankgod4fish

    Room temp??

    I agree with the above.... the harder the heater has to work to keep the tank at it's target temp, the greater the risk of it either failing to get to it's target or just failing all together.... A more powerful heater should compensate for that even if the room is cold I think.... Just remember...
  18. thankgod4fish

    So who doesn't do water changes?

    Originally posted by doodle1800 Good thread... makes me feel better that I don't as much as I thought I should have been. I agree... it's interesting to see that not everyone does frequent water changes.
  19. thankgod4fish

    who has built there own tank?

    Awesome tank Java... Sand and Dragon, I'd love to see your tanks when you're done, too!
  20. thankgod4fish

    30 gal mini reef

    Very nice! Welcome to the boards