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  1. robchuck

    65g Reef Back is in Action!

    The tank at the beginning of the project:
  2. robchuck

    65g Reef Back is in Action!

    ...and here's a full tank shot of what it looks like as of this evening:
  3. robchuck

    65g Reef Back is in Action!

    For reasons discussed towards the end of this thread, I recently have been tearing down my 300g reef to convert it into a FW planted tank. I could never give up reefkeeping cold turkey, so I managed to find a way over the past few weeks to get my old 65g tank set back up as a reef. All of...
  4. robchuck

    Would you pay $1500.00 for a Fish?

    I would never spend that much for an Interruptus, especially when they'll be more common in the next 5-10 years. A company in Hawaii called Reef Culture Technologies has been breeding these fish and other Centropyge angels for several years now. It's only a matter of time before they become...
  5. robchuck

    post ur freshwater pics!

    Originally Posted by BLAZEHOK68 wait...your converting your reef to a planted tank? a FW planted tank? i guess to each his own. on a side note, i always wanted to try a fw planted tank with maybe some discus. i dont know if this is possible though. Yup! The short story is that I'm going to...
  6. robchuck

    120gal Mixed Reef

    Beautiful tank! That's a nice looking Desjardini Sailfin you've got!!!
  7. robchuck

    post ur freshwater pics!

    I piece-mealed a 10g planted tank together from old equipment about a month ago to learn how to care for FW plants and fish when I go to convert my reef to a planted tank this summer. Here's a couple of shots from the tank:
  8. robchuck

    pics of my mini-reef

    Sweet! I really like the red and blue zoas on the monti skeleton; I used to have some just like that and traded them away...they were my favorite!
  9. robchuck

    help with the quietest skimmer

    I'm in the process of setting my sumpless 65g reef back up and put a Deltec MCE600 HOB skimmer on it. This skimmer is very quiet, works very efficiently (skimmate compares to what my ER on the big tank pulls), but is quite costly for what it is.
  10. robchuck

    For those of you with big ones

    When I set up my 300g reef, I was fully prepared for the upfront equipment and other startup costs. However, I never figured the recurring monthly maintenance costs would be anywhere close to what they've become (electricity, food, salt, water, test kits, lamp replacements, clean up crew...
  11. robchuck

    Acrylic vs Glass the facts

    I'm not sure why it grows so quickly on acrylic, but I have heard that coralline algae tends to grow much faster on plastics than glass. It's all anecdotal evidence, but if I don't run my cleaning magnet for a week or so, the entire tank gets completely covered in coralline. I've kept reefs in...
  12. robchuck

    Project 300 is underway!!!

    Originally Posted by WangoTango sorry about loosing such a nice reef, but congrats on the baby. that tank would be awsome for a heavily planted angel and discus display which IMO are the most beautiful freshwater fish. I agree! And I'll be sure to get some pics posted here after the tank is...
  13. robchuck

    Project 300 is underway!!!

    Originally Posted by npp02c Why does it seem that everytime I really want to see pictures on the good threads, the pictures do not show... What gives? Most of the pictures in this thread are towards the end of the thread. changed something with the message board last year that caused...
  14. robchuck

    Acrylic vs Glass the facts

    That article was well written, but seemed to convey the benefits of using an acrylic tank rather than objectively demonstrating the differences between the materials (i.e. "Acrylic vs Glass: The Facts"). For what it's worth, I have a large acrylic reef and would choose acrylic over glass any...
  15. robchuck

    Project 300 is underway!!!

    Andy, Thanks for the kind wishes. I'll be breaking this tank down pretty soon (I need to get the 65g back up first), and most importantly, I'll need to find a good home for the three tangs, especially the Sailfin. I'll get in touch with you in the next day or two and let you know exactly what...
  16. robchuck

    Project 270

    Sweet!!! Can't wait to see pics!
  17. robchuck

    Planning a 300g tank...suggestions?

    Originally Posted by blennius What would you do? I'm planning a set up and want to make sure that I cover all details before beginning. I have yet to purchase anything. I would like to set up a 300g acrylic probably FOWLR with possibly some compatable inverts and have a 120g sump/fuge. My...
  18. robchuck

    Project 300 is underway!!!

    This tank just celebrated it's 1st birthday last week! One thing I can say for certain: it's been a whirlwind of a year maintaining this thing. Since I last updated the thread, I haven't added any livestock (it's fun watching what I already have grow big and thrive), but I was able to get the...
  19. robchuck

    Acrylic tanks

    Acrylic tanks made of high quality American cell cast acrylic will hold up for a long time and look great if maintained properly. Even cell cast tanks can get a cloudy appearance after time, but that comes from many tiny scratches rather than the acrylic turning cloudy (unless it crazes, but...
  20. robchuck

    Setting up a 300 gallon reef tank - need advice

    busbyj, Did you ever get this tank set up?