Project 270


Active Member
hello all
Today is the day I decided to say goodby to the 140 and hello to a custom 270.
In this thread I will have detailed step by step pics and comments on the set up and building of the tank. I will be building the stand and canopy from scratch. I plan to keep it rather simple.
Plans so far are as follows.
270 polycast tank 72 long 36 deep 25 tall<-- super nice depth IMO. tons of aquascape choices
same lighting will be reused 3x400 MH 2x110VHO but i will add 2 more 110's
closed loop with altering currents coming from four returns
approx 600 pounds live rock
approx 300 pounds live sand
60 gallon sump
2x aqua C skimmer
2x20 micron socks
typhoon III RODI plumped to the tank with auto top off
I will run a line from the sump through the wall to the outside with a valve for super fast and easy water changes. drain out what i want and top it off.
I will plumb my propagation system into this tank as well.
when all is said and done the total of the system will be approx 400 gallons
I will be picking up the tank this weekend I hope and will be posting pic's of the stands construction soon.


that's a serious project.....Glad you're gonna post the step by step.....i'm still not sure how those larger systems run....which has kind of kept me from attempting an upgrade yet.......


Active Member
since your close you are always welcome to come by and see first hand. its really no different just bigger


Active Member
Originally Posted by WangoTango
im looking forward to seeing it
ill take your 140 for you;)
come on down. i plan to sell it really cheap.


Active Member
purchased all the lumber last night and will begin the stand tonight. stand should be done by friday night with the exception of the painting and moldings but that will be done after set up.

nm reef

Active Member
Threads like this always make me want to replace my 100 display with a 240 Oceanic....I have the urge...but lack the finances. Keep us posted on your progress.


Originally Posted by oceana
come on down. i plan to sell it really cheap.
how much is real cheap?
good luck with the new project!! what do u plan on putting in it? reef im guessing


Active Member
i know your new prop. tank filled up quickly, why not turn your 140 into another prop. tank :thinking:


Originally Posted by teen
i know your new prop. tank filled up quickly, why not turn your 140 into another prop. tank :thinking:

ya! or just keep the 140 as a reef and do a sweet 270 aggressive!!! can u say sharks!


Active Member
I can't wait to see pics of the stand. When I'll buy a house I want a larger tank like yours or even bigger and I would like to build the stand myself so if you don't mind sending me the whole process by e-mail......... :cheer: :cheer:


Active Member
oceana i live in boca raton fl witch is not to far away from you how much are you asking for the tank you could email me teamski4everAT adelphiaDOTnet thanks COnnor


Active Member
well i must say my wife is spectacular!!!
tonight was build night. all i had was a pile of unmeasured uncut 2x4's and a plan.
I just came home about one hour ago from the office and she had every single board pre measured and labled along with a nice plan drawn up to guide me. all i had to do was cut up the pieces.
I had everything cut and ready to go in about 20 min .
now all thats left to do is
turn this


Active Member
is that a great wife or what? each letter on the drawing was also marked on the pieces of wood. so puting it together will be like a build by number set lol.
I should have it together in a few hours and will post its picture.
the stand is WAY over kill but it only takes up 2 inches of space inside the stand and will be strong enough to carry a tank much larger then whats its being built for.
it will be wraped in all oak which I have not purchased yet, BTW the stand is NOT slanted in like the picture looks. i think the paper was twisted.
it will be 36" tall 72" long and a super cool 36" wide.
as for the old tank being a prop system that wont work. when yoru in and out of the system every day all day you cant have it that tall. well you can but its a pain in the butt.
next month i plan to change the new prop system out for a 4x8x12 system


Active Member
ok the stand is done. well the frame anyhow. I bet i could park my truck on this thing next I will buy some wood to wrap it in. I have not decided yet if I am going to paint it or go with a nice oak. right now i'm leaning towards painting it.
as you can see it is much bigger then the current tank. the old tank can fit in here almost two times. I CANT WAIT!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by fedukeford
nice, are you going to be adding a lot more zoos??
well duh!! lol J/K I will be adding alot mroe everything this will be a full blown reef