Search results

  1. robchuck

    Selling the house, and moving the fish... twice?

    With three tanks totalling 275 gallons, moving them all in one day and being involved in two closings in the same day is not something I would recommend risking. All sorts of snags or snafus could happen on either closing, and suddenly the need to move the livestock would seriously complicate...
  2. robchuck

    Stupid heaters

    Plus, with 300g of water volume, it takes a lot longer for the temperature to change if a heater or controller were to malfunction; especially with acrylic tanks (they insulate better than glass). My 300g acrylic tank in my basement only drops about 0.7 - 1.0 degrees from the time the lights go...
  3. robchuck

    What is the life of MH bulbs?

    14,000K MH bulbs start degrading quickly around the 6-8 month mark. I used to use Coralvue 15,000K bulbs, and would start seeing nuisance algae build up at the 8 month mark.
  4. robchuck

    Stupid heaters

    I no longer need heaters any more (3x400W of MH will do that!), but when I used to run heaters, I had great luck with the old style Ebo Jager. If you can't find a brand that works, a suggestion would be to get a temperature controller and crank the heaters all the way up, so that the...
  5. robchuck

    Anyone use this skimmer?

    The Urchin is a decent skimmer (I've used its sister model, the AquaC Remora, a hang-on skimmer), but as far as in-sump skimmers go, there are some other options to look into. The Coralife Super Skimmers are relatively inexpensive and do a decent job. Euro Reef used to market the ES5 series...
  6. robchuck

    Catching Up (this could become pic intensive)

    Your tank looks amazing Stony Nut! The Desjardini Sailfin Tang is gorgeous. BTW, thanks for all of the pH/Ca/Alk advice over the years. It now takes me several hours every week to scrape all of the coralline from my tank, and the stonies are growing like crazy! And welcome back
  7. robchuck

    new in-wall 125g just finished

    The tank in question is mine and is 300 gallons. There are indeed four tangs in the tank (Yellow, Purple, Hippo, and Desjardini Sailfin). I posted in this thread because hoycetee's (original poster) paint and trim around his tank bear an uncanny resemblance to my tank. Sorry if I caused any...
  8. robchuck

    I need a good RO/DI filter...???

    Spectrapure makes a good unit, but my preference is Air, Water, Ice and their Typhoon III model. It's designed specifically for reefers and comes with features that make it very economical.
  9. robchuck

    Dumbledore Isn't Dead!!

    Originally Posted by ophiura Oh, some selected flavors (and I do believe, after the vomit one, that at the very least they "aspire" to be as close as possible): vomit booger bacon black pepper dirt earthworm earwax grass rotten egg sardine soap And to think they had to do R&D to come up with...
  10. robchuck

    new in-wall 125g just finished

    Nice work!!! I had to do a double-take on your first photo; I thought I was looking at my tank for a second. (Great minds think alike or something like that )
  11. robchuck

    Dwarf Angels

    Here are several pics of my Multicolor Angel. I wanted one of these fish for the longest time and finally found a fellow hobbyist selling one back in June. So far, he's been a fantastic fish and even holds his own very well against four full-sized tangs. He's been a great fish, except that...
  12. robchuck

    Any Advice?? Just Got 465 Gallon Tank

    All in all, your list doesn't look bad...congrats!!! I would be prepared to add additional circulation to the tank, especially if you ever plan to keep SPS corals. The skimmers you currently have listed will likely not be enough to handle a fully stocked tank of that size, so be sure to consider...
  13. robchuck

    jack fm

    I'm also in the Chicago market and am still outraged at how Infinity dropped a quality oldies station that had held up well in the market (it consistently finished in or near the top 10). I'm only 26, but appreciated the music that WJMK-FM played and how it was presented (legendary jocks...
  14. robchuck

    Buying Music Online

    I-Tunes is set up to do that. You can purchase individual songs for 99 cents or whole albums for $10 or so. I-Tunes stores them in a library for you and allows you to burn CDs of the music in your library.
  15. robchuck

    Would this be too much flow??

    How big of a tank do you have and what do you intend to keep in it?
  16. robchuck

    Is this RO/DI unit worth the money?

    Air Water Ice makes alot of units in the $100-200 price range. Their Typhoon III RO/DI is highly regarded in this message board community and comes complete with things like a TDS meter.
  17. robchuck

    calcium reator help

    The K2R is a decent reactor, but there are more economical choices available. For what it's worth, I run a K2R on my tank with an add-on 2nd chamber to help raise effluent pH. The reactor has kept my Alk stable and my calcium right around 400 (I use a Nilsen kalkwasser reactor on my topoff...
  18. robchuck

    My coralvue 10k bulbs are diff. colors!

    I run Coralvue 10,000K bulbs on my tank and noticed slightly different shades of white and blue between the bulbs when I first set them up. After about 10 days, they all burned in to the same whitish/blue color. CV 10K bulbs are a bit bluer than other 10K bulbs, so I would wait it out for a...
  19. robchuck

    Exxon® Gas Gift Card !

    :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: ummmmm......take your spam elsewhere!
  20. robchuck

    quiet pump

    As nasty as their reputation is, the Rio pump probably isn't the noise culprit. The method of mixing air with water in the skimmer can be noisy on the Remora skimmers. If it is indeed the pump, a Maxijet 1200 would be a good alternative.