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  1. s.a. boy

    My Shrimp!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hi Everyone This morning I woke up (As people do after a good nights sleep) went through and prepeared my food for my fish. I fed my fish and every thing looked good. I then had to topup my water in my tank wish fresh water (nosalt). I cam back about 45min later as I was leaving and I was than...
  2. s.a. boy

    If U have a Powder Brown Please Read

    I no longer have the Powder blue I only have the Powder Brown
  3. s.a. boy

    If U have a Powder Brown Please Read

    This question is directed to all the people with a powder brown in their tanks : (If you are looking to get one this may also be intresting info for u) Is you powder brown very aggressive to other fish. Coz my has become very aggressive over the last few weeks. He harasted my Pwder blue to death...
  4. s.a. boy

    Powder Brown VS Powder Blue

    I was to late ! Powder blue Died! I was going to take my PB to LFS to day to put him in a tank there and he said he would look after him until I deside what to do but I found him dead this morning. Shame poor little guy he was really pritty I'll miss he!
  5. s.a. boy

    Powder Brown VS Powder Blue

    Hi, I have a powder brown and a powder blue in my 100g tank. I bought them a the same time from the same LFS. I was a bit worried that they may be to agressive towards each other. the the LSF said that they should be fine because I am puting them in the tank at the same time. He also said that...
  6. s.a. boy

    false percs camping out

    Here is a link for more info on velvet:
  7. s.a. boy

    false percs camping out

    I had 2 false perc. They died of velvet. They were doing the exact same thing all of you said your clowns are doing. They were in my tank 4 1.5 weeks when this started to happen. 1st they were hiding in the corner of the tank only coming up to eat then they start heavy breathing. about a day...
  8. s.a. boy

    Breeding Cleaner Shrimp

    Do cleaner shrimps breed easily? Coz I'm looking to get another shrimp for my Tank. I already have one cleaner.
  9. s.a. boy

    Can A fish Choke!

    Hi I have a friend how has a new tank. In the tank he has 4 Chromis (Blue - Green). Last night my friend was feeding him and he was eating fine then he noticed that the one chromis was lying @ the bottom of the tank! After 5min he took the fish out. He opened the fishs mouth and that there was...
  10. s.a. boy

    Carpet Anenome?

    WOW did the your percula's adopt the Carpet easily?
  11. s.a. boy

    Carpet Anenome?

    Wow that is a really BIG anenome! He is very cool!
  12. s.a. boy

    Carpet Anenome?

    Thanks for the info. I did however find your ur size answer to be strange as the anenome I'm looking to buy is about 5" across when fully open !
  13. s.a. boy

    Carpet Anenome?

    I bought myself a small White base anenome about a month and a half ago, to see if my tank was ready to host a larger anenome! So far he seems to be OK. I looking to get a Carpet Anenome, but I would like some more informaton about then: R they hard to keep If they like strong light? strong...
  14. s.a. boy

    Carpet Anenome

    What r the best suited clown fish for a carpet anenome? one LFS said percula's are and another said clarkii's are. Or r they both wrong (wouldn't suprise me!) Thanks for all the help people!
  15. s.a. boy

    Feeding my fish

    Hi I was just wondering if the food I'm feeding my fish is good enough I have : 1 Powder Blue 1 Powder Brown 1 coral Beauty 1 fire goby 1 yellow tailed damsel 3 domino damsels (soon to be leaving my tank) I feed them : frozen Brine shrimp frozen mixed food (It has krill brine & and somting else...
  16. s.a. boy

    Big Eye?!?!?!?!?

    :confused: I checked all of my water conditions and everything looks good ammonia : 0.0 PH 8.4 Temp 25 (C) Nitrate 0 - 2.5 (between) Nitrites 0 I'm not sure what to do? :(
  17. s.a. boy

    Domino Damsels

    :D HAHA they fire gody LIVES!!!!!!!!! I found him last night while I was feeding. He came out of no where and looks great ****Goby Thinking ***** : Those dam damsels they though they had the better of me I'll show them!!!!!:cool:
  18. s.a. boy

    best way to cure popeye

    Will a large water change cure popeye or do I need medicine too & What kind of vitamins can I add to my tank to stop this in the future? (Band names if possible )
  19. s.a. boy

    Big Eye?!?!?!?!?

    Hi everyone I have a strange problem: My yelow tail damsel appears to have one eye which is very swollen:confused: it is on his left side. His other eye looks fine and he does seem to be eating. Does anyone have any ideas of what it could be or has he just hurt himself?