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  1. tina

    It was just to BIG!

    my avatar has been photoshopped. even lionfish12 isnt dumb enough to fill a 29 full of tangs.
  2. tina

    I'm screwed

    Originally posted by lionfish12 After i got the 125 and had everyting pluged in our electric bill went sky high. Please state relevance here: ________
  3. tina

    Fish don't like my tank

    netting can be dangerous if care isnt takin in the process. you can scratch their eyes and find something else to make fun of lionfish12 for..... for example: "When did i get a wrassle?"
  4. tina

    It was just to BIG!

    29gal full of tangs they aren't full grown yet.
  5. tina


    are you sure there will be room for a 30gal?
  6. tina


    Are you planning on living in a dorm?
  7. tina

    first attempt at photos

    That first shot is amazing. The hippo really sticks out, nice contrast.
  8. tina

    Will an anemone kill my conch?

    Most animals in general will avoid an anemone if it senses danger.
  9. tina

    My anemone???

    Originally posted by fishwife feed the porcelin crab some meaty food first, then the anemone. thats what we have to do.:happy: porcelin crabs are filter feeders and can't eat solid foods.....
  10. tina

    My anemone???

    it's a Long Tentacle Anemone (wow, im surprised Viper didnt know that :rolleyes: )
  11. tina

    Percula and condi?

    it is possible. most things clowns host in our tanks aren't natural hosts anyway. Clowns in Condy
  12. tina

    Invert help!!

    dont buy those. make a package yourself. the coral bnanded shrimp would kill the peppermint shrimp in no time
  13. tina

    firts tank

    I feel sorry for the anemone under such bad lighting. How old is your tank?
  14. tina

    It was just to BIG!

    what a great site
  15. tina


    I can't stand when people say they hate Bush and that he sucks. He is still your country's leader. Grow up and have some respect. A house divided against itself cannot stand.
  16. tina

    It was just to BIG!

    looks like it belongs in my avatar :D
  17. tina

    Bubble Tip Split after 2 weeks

    anemone can split while under extreme stress
  18. tina


    You might wanna get a minijet to put in the bottom corner behind the rock work to kill dead spots.
  19. tina

    Mini-reef lighting

    what are you planning on keeping? softies, lps, sps, clams? for softies and lps, you should be ok with 130 watts of PC. ask your lfs what kind of lights they offer, mine ordered this for me. i have a 29gal. if you want sps and clams, you will need to spend more on metal halide lighting.