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  1. j. crow

    cuc ideas

    Larger hermit crabs would be fine, I've kept some with a puffer before
  2. j. crow


    Originally Posted by Psychic_Alice OH another question, does your cleaner shrimp ever scare your jawfish??? I have a completely sealed nano and my OCD cleaner shrimp scared my jawfish so bad he jumped into my filtration! (he didn't make it of course) Not that I've seen, everything ignores the...
  3. j. crow


    Oh.. Thanks for asking What I've put in my tank ..on purpose lol: 2 Clownfish 1 PJ Cardinal 1 Pygmy Angelfish 1 Yellowheaded Jawfish 1 Coral Banded Shrimp 1 Cleaner Shrimp 1 Little Bear Conch 10-13 Hermit Crabs 1 Nas. Snail (I've had it for awhile)
  4. j. crow


    I know it's almost impossible to avoid all hitchhikers with live rock.. It's just that it's the first I've seen in over a year of adding the rock, very surprising..
  5. j. crow


    I have a Coral Banded Shrimp and more docile fish ..Do you think a Secretive Wrasse would be fine with those and take care of the worm problem?
  6. j. crow


    I just actually took my tank completely apart last month to move out of state ..So I'm a little disgusted that I have them lol, I'm not a fan
  7. j. crow


    Wow.. I've only added one piece of actual liferock to my tank once like a year ago.. and JUST now saw a bristleworm, I know their good for your tank but I've been trying to avoid having them.. I guess you never know whats in your tank, I was 100% sure I avoided almost every hitchhiker
  8. j. crow

    Fighting Conch?

    Originally Posted by mermaidgrrl13 I have both in my 55 gallon. My 3 year old daughter has named the conch Gary. He is alot of fun to watch and quite active. I do stick an tiny peice of algae sheet under one of the bottom rocks for him once a week. I think it would be a good addition. The guy...
  9. j. crow

    Copepods (again lol)

    So my filter can act as kind of like a hang on fuge?
  10. j. crow

    Copepods (again lol)

  11. j. crow

    Copepods (again lol)

    So I've heard that Copepods can live in filters? How does this work if it is true?
  12. j. crow


    So I just got my Yellowheaded Jawfish yesterday and it started burrowing and eating right away.. I'm wondering how many Yellowheaded Jawfish can go into a long(er) hexagon 45 gallon tank, I already have one but from what I read I could put another one in there also, thoughts?
  13. j. crow

    Huma Huma & Cleaner Shrimp??

    Very likely.. But you never know, some fish are different.. I'd try with a cheap but big shrimp just to test it
  14. j. crow

    Pets sleep with you?

  15. j. crow

    Custom Aquarium Site?

    What's the best site to buy a custom tank from? I'm thinking about making my 45 a 90 ..Still just thinking though
  16. j. crow

    Are Pygmy Angelfish aggresive?

    ..This one by the way
  17. j. crow

    Are Pygmy Angelfish aggresive?

    Oh man.. It's gonna be balls if I have to get rid of him
  18. j. crow

    Are Pygmy Angelfish aggresive?

    Phone Pics (Horrible Quality):
  19. j. crow

    Are Pygmy Angelfish aggresive?

    So I've just ordered one which will go into a long(er) hexagon 45 gallon with 2 Clownfish, 1 Pajama Cardinal, 1 Yellowheaded Jawfish, and a few shrimp ..Should there be any problems?
  20. j. crow

    Will a Coral Banded's legs grow back?

    Thanks, will his claws grow back to their old size? Or will they stay small?