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  1. j. crow

    Fighting Conch?

    Pretty awesome.. But what is the difference between the snails and the conch? I've always thought they both just cleaned and sifted the sand
  2. j. crow

    What to add?

    I'd like to have a longnose hawkfish, But I have shrimp and the reason I have sand is for the jawfish ..They amuse me
  3. j. crow

    Fighting Conch?

    Or would about 10 nassarius snails do the job just as well?
  4. j. crow

    What do Your clowns Host?

    I have no anemone but mine do host my heater
  5. j. crow

    What to add?

    What would be the best kind of wrasse to add to my tank? I always hear things about them being aggressive or picking on other fish
  6. j. crow

    Fighting Conch?

    No one?
  7. j. crow

    What to add?

    I'm leaning towards a Royal Gramma Since I've had one before and like their colors ..Any tips from anyone on how to brighten up the tank anymore?
  8. j. crow


    I just recently moved with my saltwater tank, I just put most of the water into buckets, Bagged the fish and put them all into an empty bucket, I even switched out the substrate from crushed coral to sand, It worked out fine, it's not nearly as hard as you think it will be
  9. j. crow

    Starfish Exposed to Air

    Originally Posted by calbert0 where I think he meant the section of this website where you can buy starfish It should never be exposed to air while handling.
  10. j. crow

    Fighting Conch?

    Would a fighting conch be a good addition to a 45 gallon with sand as the substrate? Also, how fast do they normally grow? I assume very slowly, am I correct?
  11. j. crow

    What to add?

    I know cheap in saltwater ..isn't so cheap But let's say around the $20ish mark?
  12. j. crow

    What to add?

    I have a 45 Gallon (Sand bottom) with 2 Clownfish, 1 Pajama Cardinal 1 Cleaner Shrimp 1 Coral Banded Shrimp A few small hermit crabs I plan to add a yellow headed jawfish and a fighting conch (keep the sand clean) soon, But I was wonderin whats another cheap fish to add to the tank for some color?