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  1. bugsman

    Wayward Mushroom

    I'm home from work and here are the pictures: I believe this is the tissue growing under the mushroom. You can see part of the mushroom here. Sometimes it's completely covered with the zoa's and sometimes it's out full. So if anyone can tell me how to get it out of there completely or what I...
  2. bugsman

    Return pump died in JBJ 28g Nano -Panicking

    Good information that I will definitely keep in mind.
  3. bugsman

    Wayward Mushroom

    Now that I have my pump issue taken care of, I have a question about removing a wayward mushroom in the middle of my zoa's. I didn't realize what it was until it got big enough to open up some and it's soft tissue underneath started spreading. But I have this mushroom that has snuck it's way...
  4. bugsman

    Return pump died in JBJ 28g Nano -Panicking

    I'm getting it and will keep it in mind for the next time. I just went into panic mode rather than stopping and thinking it through first. Gotta quit doing that when it comes to the DT. Like saxman said I still had the one pump working and the PH's. I sure do appreciate the help and...
  5. bugsman

    Return pump died in JBJ 28g Nano -Panicking

    I have 2 PH's inside the tank also, but as of this morning everything is running fine again. I'll check again when I get home from work.
  6. bugsman

    Return pump died in JBJ 28g Nano -Panicking

    Okay, pump went back in and it's working again. I'm going to keep my eyes open on it and make sure it continues to run. It sure did cause me to panic. This is the first thing that has ever gone really wrong for me with this tank and this is my very first saltwater tank so I wasn't sure what I...
  7. bugsman

    Return pump died in JBJ 28g Nano -Panicking

    Thanks, got the broken pump out and cleaned it in water and white vinegar and ran it and it works out of the tank. I'm going to put it back in and see if it will work again in the tank. If not, I'm going to take it back out and replace it with the MJ600. I'll let you know how it goes.
  8. bugsman

    Return pump died in JBJ 28g Nano -Panicking

    I'm panicking. One of the return pumps just died in my tank and the flow isn't good. The other one is still working. Does anyone know if I can take the one out that isn't working without messing things up. Or better yet can someone tell me what to do? I have a new maxijet 600 and a HOB...
  9. bugsman

    Nitrates off the charts! Help please!

    Could your nitrates be so high because, if I read correctly, you threw in a cocktail shrimp to get the cycling started?? As long as there isn't any fish in there or inverts, I would do what all has recommended above, take the shrimp out, do some more water changes and let things settle down...
  10. bugsman

    Bicolor Blenny

    Finally got that picture. They are quick. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
  11. bugsman

    Bicolor Blenny

    Just an update. Appears all is going well with the Blenny. It's swimming around when the notion strikes it and has found lots of hiding places in the LR. I keep trying to get a picture but he's quick. He's even swimming around with the clowns on occasion and they don't seem to mind a bit...
  12. bugsman

    Bicolor Blenny

    Thanks, I was hoping I was feeding okay but you did bust me on the QT. I had a 10 gal set up for QT & a 6 gal with sand and live rock in it and some snails and just this past weekend I broke the 6 gal down and put all the live rock and sand in the 10 gal thinking I wasn't going to add anymore...
  13. bugsman

    AquaMaxx HOB Skimmer

    Sorry I haven't acknowledged the advice. I appreciate it. I believe Meowser I'm gonna stay with the JBJ too. It really works good, I get some pretty good dark green skim.
  14. bugsman

    Bicolor Blenny

    I finally got a Bicolor Blenny. Drip acclimated for at least 90 minutes before putting him in my DT with the lights off. After a few hours, lights came on and he seems to be making himself right at home. He's out and has plenty of places to hide. My question is about feeding. Up until now I...
  15. bugsman

    AquaMaxx HOB Skimmer

  16. bugsman

    AquaMaxx HOB Skimmer

    Hi - does anyone have an experience with the Aquamaxx HOB skimmer? Right now I'm using the skimmer that goes with the JBJ 28g Nano Cube but I'm wanting to upgrade. I know I've had a lot of recommendations for the Tunze 9002 but I hate to get rid of my media in the center section of the sump...
  17. bugsman

    I Think I made a Big Mistake

    I keep watching them and feeding them bits of shrimp, but I think at least one of them is coming out of there and going into the other small tank. They make me very nervous around my fish when those claws are waving by for food.
  18. bugsman

    I Think I made a Big Mistake

    Thanks - I guess I'll just keep watching and make sure no damage is done. They are cute as they can be.
  19. bugsman

    I Think I made a Big Mistake

    I have a bad feeling I made a mistake. I had some bubble algae coming up and I let my LFS talk me into 2 Emerald Crabs. They were cheap and I bought them. After the 3rd day in the tank, the bubble algae was gone and I kept thinking to myself, wow this is great, but now I'm noticing when I...
  20. bugsman

    Diving In Bali

    Thought this might be of interest: