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  1. faqbch99

    Need help with Param Settings.

    Hi, I am setting up an KNOP Calcium Reactor C. I am looking for some advice getting it dialed in. It has been running or 12 hours now and my readings are currently: Salt 1.025 / 25 Alk 7.7 DKH PH 8.4 Calcium 500 Amm, Ite, Ate 0 Advice, suggestions?
  2. faqbch99

    KNOP Calcium Reactor C

    OK so i bought a used KNOP Calcium Reactor C and it has no manual. Anyone know where I can get one? Download or can you post pics of your setup. Please someone help me get it running.
  3. faqbch99

    koralia 4 pumps for sale.

  4. faqbch99

    Maxima and Crocea Clams 4-sale!!!

    Yee Haa.. Just ordered Mine
  5. faqbch99


    Can you move your overlow box in the tank lower so more waterflows into it? You have to have enough water in the sump to pump up to the tank to raise the tank water above the overflow box before water can start to be returned. Lowering the box will make this easier for the return.
  6. faqbch99

    Protein Skimmer

    The water will come out the bottom pipe, the pipe that extends up to the top is a air excape. The thought is it cuts down on the micobubbles sent out the output pipe back to the sump.
  7. faqbch99

    Reduced Minimum Order Size and Shipping Changes

    I had no idea this changed... was an email sent that I missed.
  8. faqbch99

    mirror background?

    I was going to use that mirror spraypaint on my 72G but went with black. Still think it would have been very nice, i just could not fine it locally and did not want to order it online.
  9. faqbch99

    72 gal to 150 gal upgrade

    I just added the 2 Koralia 4's and well... Holly Flow Batman.. Kicked up all kinds of stuff into the water. It's all going down the overflows now and looking better but... no less the 5 kenya tree babys blew out from behind one rock.. so I think I am good to go here Namas05.. Thanks I do not...
  10. faqbch99

    frags for sale need to make room

    Check the email addr you posted... i think it is not may be why you are not getting the payments.
  11. faqbch99

    72 gal to 150 gal upgrade

    So. what else do I need to do?
  12. faqbch99

    Crab... What is it please... Safe?

    Thanks after looking them up, the pics i fine are the same... so thanks. Safe.
  13. faqbch99

    Crab... What is it please... Safe?

    I found this crab located within the birdsnest this morning shortly after the lights came on. I was able to get him out and I now have him in QT. I should mention that he is the size of a thumbnail. Is this safe? Thanks......
  14. faqbch99

    A Mystery To Me..

    Need a full stock list please.
  15. faqbch99

    72 gal to 150 gal upgrade

    Originally Posted by Mr_X looks good rich! if you want those rocks to purple up at all, i'd get rid of that urchin. i would also invest into atleast 2 koralia 4's. Ahh, Mr. Spikey is keeping the Purple down... I would, my fingers would love it, (he has got me 3 times) but my kids would kill...
  16. faqbch99

    72 gal to 150 gal upgrade

    OK So now you have seen it.. Give it to me.. what have I done wrong, what should be changed, and well just what do you think. The lighting is 4 VHO 60 inch tubes and 3 250W MH. Also, I want to thank the many people on here who have stocked the tank with my $$ and your frags ..
  17. faqbch99

    72 gal to 150 gal upgrade

    Last set for now.
  18. faqbch99

    72 gal to 150 gal upgrade

    And more...
  19. faqbch99

    72 gal to 150 gal upgrade

    More Corals
  20. faqbch99

    72 gal to 150 gal upgrade

    Some Corals