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  1. faqbch99

    Orange Tree Sponge HELP PLEASE!

    OK I retested the tank. Temp 78 1.022 8.1 ph ites 0 ates 0 to 5 amm 0 cal 420 I will try to move it to where it will get less light and see how it goes.. thanks for all the feedback.
  2. faqbch99

    Orange Tree Sponge HELP PLEASE!

    I will retest all the params and post within an hour. As far as Air, No, at last not that I know of. It came in a bag with water and no air, the bag was opened in the tank under the water and it has not seen air since under my care. Any other idea's other then air? I got the sponge from
  3. faqbch99

    Orange Tree Sponge HELP PLEASE!

    Orange Tree Sponge HELP PLEASE! I have had this sponge in my tank for about 5 days. It was looking good but now it is starting to look sick. It is getting a clear / white film on it. All Water params are normal with no issue to report there. Lighting should be good Sundial T5HO (2) 54watt...
  4. faqbch99

    48" coralife HQI pro fixture FS

    Does it have built in timers, if so how many? email if still available
  5. faqbch99

    $5 Kenya frags and others (lower prices)

    What is the lighting, feeding and flow requirements for the Kenya? I do not know anything about them. I have (2)T5HO 54W 10K & (2) 54W 4460nm Actinic Blue over a 72 G Bow Front. Thanks.
  6. faqbch99

    EMERGENCY!! TANK Leak please help

    Put a powerhead and heater in the tote with the LR. It will do much better and you will have less of a cycle when you put it back in te new tank. I feel bad for ya as this is a pain, but at least you get a nice new bigger tank out of it. :)
  7. faqbch99

    Who Lives In Pa ???

    Located is Coatesville Chester County, want to sell or trade (i do not have much to trade yet) drop me a note. I havea 72 Gal Bow front, need skimmer and new light system.
  8. faqbch99

    How to PM?

    What does one have to do to get PM Permissions and access?
  9. faqbch99

    Shaving Brush in DT

    Anyone... Please!
  10. faqbch99

    Corals For Sale

    I am interested, i can not pm, please contact me:
  11. faqbch99

    Shaving Brush in DT

    Does anyone have one in their DT? How does this plant do with a coralife 50/50 48in bulb? Anything that will harm it will it cause me any issues? It says not available to ppl in CA. I am in PA so no big deal but why would that be a...
  12. faqbch99

    New Tank, Info Needed

    Thanks for the info. Sounds like things are going well with the cycle then. I will plan for a water change on Thurs. As far as what the tank will be.. humm well still not sure. I know i need new / better lighting system if i am to do corals, no issue there.. did not want to buy a $300 system...
  13. faqbch99

    New Tank, Info Needed

    New tank in cycle, 3 weeks. 72 Gal 80 lbs Live Rock, some well cured with some growth from a LFS that was in a tank with fish, and some fresh from Fiji out of ocean less then 4 days before in the tank. 80 lbs of sand substate, 40 lbs crushed coral below the sand. SG 1.023 Amm 0 (was as high as...
  14. faqbch99

    Ok, pics of my 75 gallon in its second week

    Fats.. I have been watching your threads as I too am new and am at about the same point as you as far as cycle, and when we added the rock, etc. I think you are doing a fine job. The tank looks great. I just bought the black paint myself and will be doing my back of the tank in a few days...
  15. faqbch99

    Can you find the hidden face in this LR?

    I see rocks and a fish.
  16. faqbch99

    Pics of New 72 in Progress

    I have gthe exact same tank. I am at about the same spot as you, some live rock, no fish still in cycle. I still have standard glass top parts and light single light bar. I like what you did with the rocks but i think you need to space the one's on the left side out to give the fish room to...
  17. faqbch99

    Painting the back of a tank.

    Around the living room and out the window via fan :) have lots of news paper to line the trim and floor, and a cover to put over the tank, should be ok there.. i am not worried about how to do it, just the concept of the mirror paint or black paint.
  18. faqbch99

    Painting the back of a tank.

    Other then fish that hate themselfs or others like them, any reasons not to have a mirror background?
  19. faqbch99

    Need Help with my light choice.

    Thanks for the info.
  20. faqbch99

    Painting the back of a tank.

    Thanks for all the input. I did not hear a clear "Go for it" or "NO!!!!" but it gave me enough to pause and think about it a bit more. Much appreciated!