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  1. aw2

    Need some Ideas????

    You certainly dont need to buy anything else for that tank. Everything other than the Hermit Crabs and the Green Wolf Eel will need a MUCH larger tank, to survive.
  2. aw2

    Need knowledge on Triggers!!!

    Unforunately, you've picked two of the most aggressive species of Trigger. Neither one can be trusted with other tank mates, expecially with Lionfish, inverts (Purple Lobster), and bottom dwelling fish (Green Wolf Eel). Also, the list you've compiled is not only not compatible, but it's also...
  3. aw2

    How I drill my tanks...

    Originally Posted by grmreapr where do i get the universal chuck your talking about on your dremel i was thinking of cutting holes in a tank and i have a diamond dremel bit could I use this and what did you use to drill the pilot holes the roto zip bit???? I got it at Home Depot, where you find...
  4. aw2

    Baltimore Aquarium

    Fantastic pics!! What kind of camera are you shooting with?
  5. aw2

    How I drill my tanks...

    No problem...glad I could help. With my 200gal. (48x30x30), it was too heavy to load up and take to a glass company (plus, I didnt have a truck) and the cheapest I found was $25, per hole. The tank is going to have a total of 9 holes (4 closed loop returns, 1 closed loop drain, 2 drains and 2...
  6. aw2

    How I drill my tanks...

    It's a ceramic tile bit, costs about $7, which is much better (IMO) than the $90 - $150 diamond hole saws. And, it's 3/4" thick glass.
  7. aw2

    How I drill my tanks...

    I was redoing another sump today and while the silicone dried, I figured I might as well do something productive. So, I pulled the 'ole 200gal. out and drilled more holes for the returns and for the proposed closed loop. I just thought I'd give a little photo tutorial, showing how I always drill...
  8. aw2

    Carbon Or Not?

    My setup was a 200gal. display, with a 60gal. sump. Inhabitants were: Hawaiian Dragon Moray Whitemouth Moray 15" Volitan Lion 10" Porc. Puffer 8" Blue Jaw Trigger (other various juvenile Triggers for short periods of time) Now...that's a heavy bioload, even with excellent filtration. I had a...
  9. aw2

    MRC or ETSS

    I have not heard that MRC are fact, I have an MR-2. I have also never heard of the ETSS being hard to adjust. Within the next year, I'll be purchasing something along the lines of the ETSS 3000 Commercial Quad
  10. aw2

    Spa Flex and PVC

    You can glue it directly to the PVC.
  11. aw2

    Weekend photo feature:

    I just noticed there are two different threads, with the exact same name, posted by NM Reef... Which thread are we supposed to be posting the pics in?
  12. aw2

    weekend photo feature:

    A few more... Same camera and lighting conditions as my other pics, on the first page. The settings were different though, but I forgot to write them down.
  13. aw2

    MRC or ETSS

    Both are top of the line skimmers.
  14. aw2

    weekend photo feature:

    Originally Posted by NM reef Excellant offerings....I've never been much interested in the aggressive side of the marine hobby...but the species you seem to prefer are very impressive. I really like the eel shot.... Thanks! While I do enjoy a nice reef tank, I just find predatory fish more...
  15. aw2

    weekend photo feature:

    These are just standard pics. I dont PhotoShop any of my pictures. I'm shooting with an Olympus C8080 (8.1MP)...hoping to upgrade to a full DSLR in the next few months. Sea Robin Aperature shooting mode (1/30 - F4.0), with flash. 45W of PC Aperature shooting mode (1/30 - F3.2), without flash...
  16. aw2

    Bamboo shark?

    The largest species of Bamboo Sharks, that you'll find, are Chiloscyllium plagiosum, which will max out around 36" - 38" for males (females a few inches longer) and Chiloscyllium punctatum, which tops out at around 40". *On a side note, unleashed...I'm still waiting for that ballast that you...
  17. aw2

    Bamboo shark?

    Originally Posted by unleashed there are many species of bamboo sharks each ranging in diferent sizes ranging from 28 inches up to over 6 ft give or take 6 feet?? Which species of Bamboo reaches 6' in length?? :notsure:
  18. aw2

    Red Coris Wrasse, Anyone?

    Very cool! Glad to hear he's doing ok! They're one of my favorite fish! I'll definately have anouther one, some day.
  19. aw2

    could i get a green moray

    Even getting it in May, it's going to be months before you can add the fish in your list. I'd redo your list, as it's overstocked, in my opinion. And, with the Trigger and Puffers, you're not going to be able to add a Moray.
  20. aw2

    could i get a green moray

    Originally Posted by surfinusa a 150 gallon and its going to have a clown trigger emporer angel miniatus grouper porcupine puffer dog faced puffer vlamingi tang harlequin tuskfish and a eel whitch im trying to figure out right now I cant agree to adding any Moray, in that mix. Your first...