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  1. aw2

    How many Lionfish

    Originally Posted by shameless I have 2 12" ones in a 220 with no problems As long as u get them small and introduce them together they will b fine. How long have you had both?...and, what size were they when you bought them? stated you have a 220gal, which might be fine...but the...
  2. aw2

    Brazilian Dragon Eel

    Originally Posted by unleashed well this was the only photo i could find of what was sold as brazilian dragon eel they give no scientific name of course I use that image quite often, to show the difference between the Jeweled and the...
  3. aw2

    How many Lionfish

    In that sized tank, I'd say one. Any more than that and you're going to have territorial issues.
  4. aw2


    It is in the lighting section, of Home Depot. It's proper name is something like Florescent Light Difuser. The thing that makes it so great is that it can be cut, with wire-cutters, to form around anything you have hanging from your tank...such as my skimmer...
  5. aw2

    BlueFin Fuzzy LionFish

    Originally Posted by V-Lioness If this is a true Blue finned Lion (Parapterios heterura), similar to a fuzzy but not a fuzzy dwarf. Very , Very tough to keep alive, they are from cooler waters......... They must be kept in tanks with a chiller, and even than they have already been placed holding...
  6. aw2

    Snow Flake Eel in my 16 Gallon Tank

    Originally Posted by boalgf They get to 24". I've seen plenty of them at 24" but also many more than were MUCH bigger than that. I've commonly seen 36" - 40" Snowflakes, that were as thick as a beer bottle.
  7. aw2

    Brazilian Dragon Eel

    Originally Posted by Sunburnt This is hot topic lately, eh Andy? :cheer: Darla Since no one seems to own both, I've decided I'm buying both. It's also very uncommon to find a store that sells both. The store, where I'm getting my Mexican Dragon, has it in the same tank as a Jeweled. Next...
  8. aw2

    marine betta

    Did you know, that in the wild, Marine Betta's and Whitemouth Morays (like mine), have a symbiotic relationship?
  9. aw2

    Brazilian Dragon Eel

    Originally Posted by unleashed so 400 bucks for a brazilian that looks just like my $40 .00 jeweled/ mex dragon eel just doesnt seem right to me at least. My Brazilian Dragon looks NOTHING like your Jeweled.
  10. aw2

    Brazilian Dragon Eel

    Ahhhh....not even going to get into this debate. LOL It depends on what your definition of Brazilian Dragon is. If you're referring to that particular species, then go for it. If you're referring to the Jeweled Moray, I'd pass on it...they're ugly.
  11. aw2

    Harlequin Tusk - Indo Pac vs Aust.

    I've had bad experiances with cyanide caught Indo's as well.
  12. aw2

    which trigger

    Originally Posted by teaggs I think I am going to get a juvinile clown trigger so that he is alot smaller than the other guys and then he can grow up around them That still wont matter...eventually, you're gonna end up with that Clown Trigger species only tank. I'm sorry, but no one that knows...
  13. aw2

    Chuck Norris counted to infinity, twice!

    I, personally, dont really like Chuck Norris...I was a big fan of that Delta Force movie, when I was kid though. My aunt was in love with him and we used to make fun of her about it all the time. I'm sure that some people find the Chuck Norris jokes old, because they've heard them so...
  14. aw2

    Queen Trigger

    Originally Posted by iluvswfish How big do they get in an aquarium (assuming large enough tank, good parameters and husbandry, proper diet, etc), surely not the 2 ft. beast I saw off Cozumel? I'm sorry your queen died like that - real bummer when they go when they seem healthy. I checked out...
  15. aw2

    Porc Puffer w/ Porc Puffer

    In a tank that size, they'd undoubtedly fight. You need quite a large tank (300gal +) to be able to keep more than one...and even then, they still might fight.
  16. aw2

    Sea Robin

    Originally Posted by lion_crazz AW2, just out of curiosity, what tank do you have this fish in? I know you have an eel tank, but from what I remembered, you had aggressive eels. At 3", he is currently in a 12gal. JBJ Nano Cube, with the 1" Diamond Goby, 1/2" Pistol Shrimp, 25 Nassarius Snail...
  17. aw2

    Sea Robin

    Originally Posted by JW23 where you from in southern IL, and what store was that I'm in the Herrin/Marion area. And...I might have to with hold the store name, because I may be going back, tomorrow, to buy the other one. Sorry.
  18. aw2

    Sea Robin

    Originally Posted by lion_crazz AW2, I am not sure if you saw my question, but I was wondering how large that particular species got? I have always been fascinated with sea robins. Sorry about that...I didnt see the question. From what I gather, they can reach lengths of up to 16" (I must...
  19. aw2

    Sea Robin

    Here are some pics of him hangin' out, in the tank. He's already eating frozen too, which is a HUGE plus.
  20. aw2

    Sea Robin

    The fish stores, here in Soutern IL, are cracking me up. I was bored, today, on my day off so I went searching for other fish stores. Found this guy...a 3" Sea a store aprox. 30 - 45 minutes away. They had 2 of them, labeled "Misc. Hawkfish". I paid $6.