Search results

  1. au mister

    New Anemone

    I have had two percs. for the longest time and they have been hosting my Xenia. I got a huge BTA yesterday and it is doing great the only problem is that the clowns will not leave the Xenia and go to the anemone. Does anyone know if it takes time or if they will just stick with the Xenia. The...
  2. au mister

    Need some help lowering nitrIte(N02)

    I always add a dose of prime to my water when the nitrites are a little high. You can even add up to 5 doses if the nitrites are dangerously high. (what the bottle says anyway) Make sure every water change you add prime to it to detox the new water. I know alot of people say that RO water is...
  3. au mister

    Copperband butterfly

    Actually I just feed my fish brine and the copperband ate very well. I thought that was great considering he has been in this tank for just a couple of hours. He is hiding a little but that is typical. All of my fish I have gotten have hid for a day or so.
  4. au mister

    Stocking 150 fowlr

    You defintely need to wait a little while for your tank to cycle before I would put some expensive fish in the tank i.e. clown trigger. I dont think it would be big enough for the bamboo shark but if you trade it in it should be fine. My friend had a 180G and he has some tangs, a wrasse, eel...
  5. au mister

    Copperband butterfly

    I bought a copperband butterfly today. I've heard mixed feelings about them. Anyone have any suggestions that may help.
  6. au mister

    Stocking A 300?

    My close friend has a 300G and he has unicorn tang, vlamingi tang, surge wrasse, dragon moray eel, epaulet shark, annularis angel, 2 yellow tangs, purple tang, huge lionfish, he had a miniatus grouper but got rid of it and his harlequin tusk but it died becuase the surge wrasse would not leave...
  7. au mister

    new carpet anemone

    My BTA seems to like krill. I was not trying to feed it krill but when i feed my triggerfish my clown fish took the krill to my BTA and he eats it every time.
  8. au mister

    Anemone Behavior

    I have had a BTA for about two months. He eats silversides just fine and doesn't spit it up later. For some reason about everyday he will shrink up for a couple of hours then all of a sudden he open back up and looks greatfor the rest of the day. It is very weird. My water parameters are...
  9. au mister

    Powerhead placement questions???

    Thank you
  10. au mister

    Powerhead placement questions???

    I signed up today and I was wondering how to post a thread of my own. I did not see a wat to do that???
  11. au mister

    lets beat the stereotype!!!

    I just signed up today and I was wanting to know how I could post a thread. I do not see a way to do that.??