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  1. reefeel

    Who Lives In Pa ???

    I am about 15 minutes outside Lancaster
  2. reefeel

    Millions of Microbubbles

    I still can't get rid of my microbubbles. :mad: There are so many bubbles that it makes my tank appear cloudy. Are there any things that I could do to reduce them? Thanks for the help.
  3. reefeel

    Copperband with Lymphocytus?

    My copperband died last night. He was fine yesterday he was eating my aiptasia and I was starting to feed hime brine shrimp and was constintaly swiming around looking for food and attention. I am assuming at this point that some random death means that he was cyanided. Anyone have any ideas?
  4. reefeel

    Copperband with Lymphocytus?

    My copperband has been doing well for the past two weeks out of quarentine but now it looks as if he has lympocytus (sp). Here is a picture of the affected area. I just want to confirm it is lymp and not a fungus.
  5. reefeel

    My new family member!

    Wow must of inherited more of the pitbull than Shar-Pei.
  6. reefeel

    Koi/Fish Ponds

    Here is our 5000 gallon koi pond.
  7. reefeel

    highschooler's thread!!

    Here's my tank that I did for my graduation project. I designed and built the canopy and stand. Oh and I am a senoir . No corals or fish in the main tank, waiting till after Christmas. My eel and blue throat trigger live in the tank bottom left though.
  8. reefeel

    300 Gallon Finally Finished!

    Its an AquaC EV400. Right now there are two fish in my refuge tank. In the picture the tank looks like a window in the stand. That and I still have tons of organic junk from my rock. I am just down with ammonia and nitrites.
  9. reefeel

    300 Gallon Finally Finished!

    Originally Posted by Cannonman I want a set up and tank like that someday... what are you stocking it with? Not quite sure what I am going to stock it with yet. Probably some tangs, pygmy angels, clowns, anything else reefsafe.
  10. reefeel

    300 Gallon Finally Finished!

    The bottom tank is a 150 gallon sump that is split into a 75 gallon aquarium for my eel, a 50 gallon refugium, and a 25 gallon filter chamber.
  11. reefeel

    300 Gallon Finally Finished!

    Some of the critters and the empty clam shell that came with my rock.
  12. reefeel

    300 Gallon Finally Finished!

    More Pictures
  13. reefeel

    300 Gallon Finally Finished!

    I finally finished my 300 gal. It's cycle has been done for a week, it took six weeks. So far the only inhabitants are my sfe and male blue throat trigger. Now i just need to mount two fans and try to get rid of the micro bubbles. So how is it?
  14. reefeel

    Pics of 90 gal Bowfront

    Originally Posted by Jon in Tx Funny you mentioned that - I just bought a Coral Angel. I was tempted to get a Queen Anglel but didn't want to spend the extra $ when the coral was a much better value. Are you saying I should let the eel die by starving it? I believe that the person who said...
  15. reefeel

    A Dolls House Essay

    You might want to consider reorganizing your paragraphs into the different themes of the novel and try to link paragraphs together, sometimes it seems repeatative. Make sure you have introductory and conclusion paragraphs. Make sure all of the book titles are underlined. Try reading it aloud to...
  16. reefeel

    its definatly winter in seattle

    Originally Posted by The J.O.P. i hate snow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Agreed. Winter is evil!
  17. reefeel

    Large tank cycle???

    My live rock was un-cured so that started the cycle. I finally got to move my eel into his new tank today as my cycle has finally ended.
  18. reefeel

    Pics of 90 gal Bowfront

    My sfe turned my purple reef lobster into a meal when he was only 8in long and the lobster 4in. The lobster only lasted 5 days. .
  19. reefeel

    Large tank cycle???

    My 300 has taken 6 weeks hopefulle it is going to finish tomorrow, if the nitrites continue to drop at the same rate they are now.
  20. reefeel

    just wanted to share a pic of my Koi pond!

    Gotta love the herons. We lost four Japanese Koi to them. :mad: Our neighbors lost around six koi.