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  1. jdog5578

    what this light, what can I get?

    Originally Posted by hot883 Aiptasia works well under those lights. Seriously, thats why it is so important to do research on purchases. well lets hope I dont end up with Aptasia. That is what I am doing right now talking to you, researching. What would have been the most economical...
  2. jdog5578

    what this light, what can I get?

    Originally Posted by hot883 I would NOT recommend ANY anemone (even the ones listed) because you are new and the tank is new. yes tank is new. I kept saltwater for 5+ years. However also took a 5 year break and am re-learning the hobby. I am thinking for the future. thats all.
  3. jdog5578

    what this light, what can I get?

    Originally Posted by SCSInet That light setup is not good enough for a CARPET anemone. I'd place a carpet anemone in the top 2% of all animals available in the hobby as far as lighting needs go. A Bubble Tip, Condy, and Haitian will all do good under that setup. Oh, and price has nothing to...
  4. jdog5578

    what are these? (pics)

    so how long are those ugly white things gonna be on my rocks?
  5. jdog5578

    how much is too much?

    Originally Posted by reefchick15 you should never keep 2 angelfish in the same tank...sry. Both are very beautiful, i'm thinking of getting one myself(i haven't decided which yet). I went with the Flame Angel... They are ridiculously beautiful. For the Mandarin, whenever I go to the LFS's I am...
  6. jdog5578

    can you keep any 2 angels?

    Originally Posted by Reefboys Basically if you've got a larger system (125/200 or so) with plenty of LR you've got a decent shot at success. Anything smaller than that you're probably doomed to have a dead angel on your hands. ehhh. my 46 gallon is not gonna cut it then. I will stay with just...
  7. jdog5578

    Is a skimmer necessary?

    I cant believe that if you never do a water change your trates would be ideal? You definately wanna do at least a monthly water change.
  8. jdog5578

    what this light, what can I get?

    Come on. I bought a $200 light setup and it isnt enough for even one anenome? There has to be some that will do well under this. It is almost 5 watts per gallon.
  9. jdog5578

    HELP!, Large Turbo Snail Died way in the back!

    Originally Posted by TX Reef I had a Coral Beauty die in my 55 gallon reef (jumped out of the tank, I put it back in and it didn't survive the night). I never removed the carcass (behind rocks) and didn't have a spike (Amm., Nitrite, Nitrate) of any sort. I did do my regulary scheduled 6 gallon...
  10. jdog5578

    what this light, what can I get?

    with a 192 watt PC, ona 46 gal. bow front. What kind of anenome will do well? Would a carpet do ok?
  11. jdog5578

    Is a skimmer necessary?

    you should definately do water changes more than every 3 months...
  12. jdog5578

    can you keep any 2 angels?

    are there any Angels that get along with eachother? I would really like a Flame and a coral beauty.
  13. jdog5578

    how much is too much?

    Originally Posted by belly up wat about a sixline wrasse? that may be a better option. I do know peeps that have kept Mandarin's successfully in 30 gallon tanks. But I really dont wanna stress him out. I could supplement the copepods I guess.
  14. jdog5578

    what are these? (pics)

    Originally Posted by maelv That is funny. I just posted another thread asking about the looks similar...not to steal a thread here, but this is the same stuff right??? oh yeah, thats the same stuff.
  15. jdog5578

    what are these? (pics)

    Are they a good food source? There are some tunnels wih nothing in them, their are others with with clear worm-like things that have brown down the middle of them.
  16. jdog5578

    how much is too much?

    Originally Posted by sfoister A big fish in that size tank is going to look out of place and will never be comfortable. The flame angel is a decent sized dwarf angel and will look proportionate for your size tank. Trust me, big fish look really pretty and amazing when they are in the LFS's 200+...
  17. jdog5578

    what are these? (pics)

    I just found this site and you all seem so knowledgeable. I am sure you can identify a few things for me. I have found some wormlike things in my substrate, on the edge of the glass. What are they? harmful or OK? I also have some small white things with a hole in the center growing on my...
  18. jdog5578

    how much is too much?

    Originally Posted by sfoister Yes, that will be too much. 2 mandarins won't work, they will starve to death. Keeping one alive will be painful enough not to mention I do not believe they get along with eachother when kept in such close proximity. Also, a FEW anemone in a 46g is going to be...
  19. jdog5578

    how much is too much?

    I have a 46 gallon bow front. while I want to have a few anenome's, I want mostly fish. I have 60 lbs. of LS and have about 20-25 lbs. of LR. Currently I have 3 damsel's. I would like to add; psychadelic Mandarin spotted Mandarin percula clown w/ anenome Flame angel maybe a smaller hepatus tang...
  20. jdog5578

    lights for 46 gallon bow front

    Originally Posted by zanoshanox you could probably get a mh jebo/odyssea system for around 250...or at least thats what they were going for when i was checking them out a while back you can get one on ---- for like $100, oh wait thats CF How much diff.does the MH make?