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  1. flricordia

    HowardJ's 12 Gallon Nano Rebirth

    Looks good so far. Maybe slope the rock a bit more or you will find that you will run out of room for attatching corals unless they are verticle. Not much room in a 12gl to start with, though a very fun size to work with.
  2. flricordia

    Sexiest Paly EVER!!!!!

    Those armors are awesome dude.
  3. flricordia

    ZFA Rainbows.

    Originally Posted by kholla12 Man I wish I would have gotten in on the nightmares.Is there a list that we can start.For the people that didnt get in and want to after all the people who got in on theses get theres. You would have to contact CFR on that. I am just one of the growers.
  4. flricordia

    ZFA Rainbows.

    Originally Posted by ClownFiSH11 dude i would send em out now you definatly have enough for 2 polyps each person I think or within the next month...OR EVEN CHRISTMAS!!! Well, CFR is in charge of what happens and he says to wait till spring when the weather warms and others agree. This way...
  5. flricordia

    ZFA Rainbows.

    30 nightmares as of tonight. I cannot for the life of me imagine how many there will be by spring and shipping time at this growth rate. Seems fragging them into smaller frags increases growth tremendously. I will keep you undated.
  6. flricordia

    closed zoos

    Originally Posted by CoralJunkie you might try a turkey baster to blow water over them That or direct a power head onto them for a minute. ANd next time that happens either turn them as you suggested or blow the sand off of them right away. You won't hurt them by turning them or blowing the...
  7. flricordia

    they are dead.

    sounds like you may have released some hydrogen sulfide from dead spots in the sand.
  8. flricordia

    Few frags for sale or trade

    Would like the raptors for sure but whatever is fine.
  9. flricordia

    Few frags for sale or trade

    I have frags of these to trade if you are interested.
  10. flricordia

    What would you do with these?

    Originally Posted by paintballer768 Dont snip the proto's off, as in throw them away. LRS credit if you dont want them, or sell em on here. Flricordea's elusive LE protopaly! Would be nice if I could save them. I may try to do that as I am removing them, but not at the expense of the Goblins.
  11. flricordia

    What would you do with these?

    Originally Posted by HowardJ seperate the goblins and ship them too me ; that will take care of the problem
  12. flricordia

    What would you do with these?

    Looks like poll is leaning towards removing the odd balls, probably are protopalys (slime like mad) and saving the Gobblins. This is probably what I will end up doing. Thanks all.
  13. flricordia

    Zoa Fragger Thing Poll

    Originally Posted by majormaz I just found this thread, what is it for? It is a group buy/growout thing. The first page of the thread will explain it in detail.
  14. flricordia


    Anti-bacterial soap has properties that when rinsed down a public drainage system and into a local water recycling plant can cause the destruction of benificial bacteria within the water treatment plant. This in turn can cause the treated water to harbor microbes that can possibly mutate during...
  15. flricordia

    Latest Additions

  16. flricordia

    What would you do with these?

    Tell me what you would do if these were yours
  17. flricordia

    do you have to have a protein skimmer?

    For a fish onlyh tank that is going to recieve feeding daily, yes, you will need a skimmer. For a reef 30gl with few fish, plenty of LR and a refugium, no, a skimmer you don't have to have for the most basic reef. For an sps tank you probably will need a skimmer though along with pmaintaining...
  18. flricordia

    WTB Sour Apple palys

    Are these Sour Apples? Maybe not. I call these Candy apple greens
  19. flricordia

    Show off your zoas!!!

    Originally Posted by PerfectDark Well posting anything else after Flricordia and PhuongThuy is just silly.. WOW Phuong unbelievable zoa's. Anyway here are my Zoa's. I don't know about that but I do know those mints and yellows are awesome looking.
  20. flricordia

    trying out the new camera

    Originally Posted by Mr_X whatever you put in your tank will be hard to get out. the faster growing things will not only grow fast, but attach to things. take mushrooms and xenia for instance. they will attach to the rock, and even if you cut them off, tiny pieces of them will remain, and...