Search results

  1. dirtee147

    Items for sale

    I will give yo 25 shiped for the light.
  2. dirtee147

    Items for sale

    interested in Coralife 24" dual pc light.How much and are you shippin these items?
  3. dirtee147

    G2 skimmer for sale/trade

    e-mail sent
  4. dirtee147

    24" light

    how much?
  5. dirtee147

    G2 skimmer for sale/trade

    I am interested what kind of thing would you trade I have a prizm skimmer and other equipmentI will trade
  6. dirtee147

    Retro reflector

  7. dirtee147

    Retro reflector

  8. dirtee147

    Retro reflector

  9. dirtee147

    Retro reflector

    I have a couple 48in reflectors that I didn't end up using on my fuge and no longer need them.They are 48Lx9Wx2H and they still have the protective plastic on them.I will let them go for 12.00 (2.00 for packing) I don't get on here very much so if you are interested of want pics e-mail me at...
  10. dirtee147

    400 Watt 20K retrofit halide for trade& 175 halide unit!

    I have a 70w and a 250 brand new.I have a brand new reflector for the 250.LMK if either one sounds good.
  11. dirtee147

    400 Watt 20K retrofit halide for trade& 175 halide unit!

    can you send pics to
  12. dirtee147

    240 gallonw w/ stand & sump

    My e-mail is I was thinking of some more pics of the stand (open and closed ) and maybe a few more angles of the tank. posabley the pluming. That is a long drive for something that I really want but isn't what it looks like when I get there ya know.I am very serious about...
  13. dirtee147

    240 gallonw w/ stand & sump

    I am very interested can you send me pics with a little more detail to them I live in Salt Lake and would love to take a little road trip for a great tank.
  14. dirtee147

    X box anyone?

    How much cash would you take?
  15. dirtee147

    X box anyone?

    What kind of stuff are you lookin for?
  16. dirtee147

    Starting Over

    There are lots of ways to clean your rock you can use a tooth brush, boil them, but a preaure washer works the best IMO
  17. dirtee147

    Sump in Utah

    I can direct you to one in SLC but it is a 75gl sump
  18. dirtee147

    Metal Halide retro fit 250w Coralvue

    What kind of softies are you looking for?Where are you located (city,state)?
  19. dirtee147

    Parting out in San Diego!

    How big is the tank? and are you willing to ship the ricordia and if so how big is the rock that it is atached to?