Search results

  1. dirtee147

    For Trade or sell: Coral Banded Shrimp; Santa Clarita, Ca

    will you ship and if so I have a few softies and some shrooms
  2. dirtee147

    Blender Mush ingredients?

    stick everything in a blender or a food prossecer and freeze it make shure it is all frozen and don't add water
  3. dirtee147

    anyone with a filter they dont need

    I have a wet dry that I can sell
  4. dirtee147

    Is this Rite?

    Filling it with water is not necicery unless it has something on it (shooms, coral,ect.) but they should be putting wet newspaper around it and a little water in the bag to keep it moist.
  5. dirtee147

    Frag Swap 9/05

    can you e-mail me the themos method please
  6. dirtee147

    Frag Swap 9/05

    I'm in I can trade a feww things ,we can figure that out later. dirtee147-yahoo dot com SaltLakeCity UT looking for bright colors
  7. dirtee147

    bleached corals

    in laymens terms please is to much light one of the causes or is it the water quality
  8. dirtee147

    bleached corals

    so how do you do something like that?
  9. dirtee147

    bleached corals

    what causes bleached corals and how do you bring a coral back that has been bleached
  10. dirtee147

    refugium or sump help please

    they are basiclly the sam thing.the seaweed stuff is micro alge and it help with filtering I run a 55gl reef with some fish and I am running a fuge/sump with micro alge for filtration and things have not looked better.
  11. dirtee147

    Falling power heads?!

    you can buy replacement suction cups from most LFS's but if that gets to exspensive you can rig up some fishing line on the PH and get some washers and tie the string through them and hang them over the side and sucure it between the canapy or hood
  12. dirtee147

    dyi stand !

    It depends on what type of material it is made out of. the pressed wood stands are not the way to go if you don't want to water the carpet. you can most liklly biuld one stonger and cheaper than some out there
  13. dirtee147

    wet/dry plans

    are you running a reef or a FOWLR? If it is a reef you might want to run a fuge sumprather than a wet/dry
  14. dirtee147

    Just a few Pics for everyone

    Just wait till they get a little bigger and cut them off with a clean razor blade and then rubber band them on a small piece of rock
  15. dirtee147

    difference between CF and PC

    What is the difference between PC and PC if any?
  16. dirtee147

    VHO set-up / parts sale in PA

    Have you sold it yet
  17. dirtee147

    24" Hamilton Retro Fit 110 watts

    need more info please
  18. dirtee147

    geting more power out of a ballast

    I have a few T-8 ballasts and I know that they are basiclly no good They are all 4x32T8/unv and I was wondering if there was a way to get more power out of it. Maybe insted of runing all 4 can you wire 2 to the same bulb and the other 2 to another bulb? Thank you
  19. dirtee147

    Dog development.

    dobermans aren't big in the muscle dep. thay have more ofa tone muscle. now pitts that is a totally difrent story.I don't have one but a freind of mine dose and he built a weight sled and has trained him to pull it. I have recently started training my boxer to pull and he dose great but start...
  20. dirtee147


    is the reflector still for sale and if so will you ship it if i arange it