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  1. dirtee147

    Is my fure to small ?

  2. dirtee147

    Is my fure to small ?

    Ihave a 55 gal with a wet dry trickle filter . I was hoping to change the wet dry to a fuge. I have a 29 gal that I have turnd into a fuge but I have read that it may to small for using as a filtration system. the dem. are as follows 24'' L 12'' W 16'' H but the fuge area is only 10" L 12" W 16"...
  3. dirtee147

    Wet dry or fuge ?

    Thanks I looked and couldn't find anything on NO
  4. dirtee147

    Wet dry or fuge ?

    I don't want to sound dumb but what dose NO stand for? I' guess i'm not up on the abreveations,I'm not much of a speller neither.
  5. dirtee147

    fuge lighting

    do thay just use a regular fixture or a spacific one?
  6. dirtee147

    fuge lighting

    what kind of lighting do i need for a 29 gal fuge?
  7. dirtee147

    Wet dry or fuge ?

    would a corallife full spectrum mini compact be enough light for the fuge? Thank you all for you replys it has been most helpful. I don't like chat sites but this one rocks!!!!!!!
  8. dirtee147

    Wet dry or fuge ?

    Yes for the fuge.What kind of things do you put in the fuge? I know that you put micro alge and stuff but what is the best? For the gest results.
  9. dirtee147

    Wet dry or fuge ?

    What kind of light would I need to get and how many watts would it have to be?
  10. dirtee147

    Wet dry or fuge ?

    I have a 55 gal and am in the process of turning a 29 gal into a fuge . Is that lage enough or do I need to get somthing biger? Thanks for the input thangbom
  11. dirtee147

    Wet dry or fuge ?

    Can you use a fuge insted of a wet dry filtter ? And if so witch is getter?
  12. dirtee147


    it's a 55 gal reef. I have about 20 lbs of exta dr that i could use but do i crush it or leave in large chuncks?
  13. dirtee147


    Is LR better than bio-balls and if it is do i just put it in or crush it first or what?
  14. dirtee147


    can you get away with not cleaning the bio-balls and just clean out the gunk from unerneath?
  15. dirtee147


    if i just clean the gunk at the bottom will that help or should I swich back and forth between the tow
  16. dirtee147


    I have read in my salt water book that every six months you should clean your bio-balls butt other pepple say that you should'nt mess with them.Should I clean themor not?
  17. dirtee147

    My fuzzy dwarf lion fish won't eat.

    I have a fuzzy and when I got him he wouldn't eat for about two weeks. I feed him live gs and he is doing great.
  18. dirtee147


    I almost bought one a few weeks ago but the guy at the lfs told me that no air can hit them. My ? is where can you place it in your tank without any air getting to it ? :thinking:
  19. dirtee147

    Dwarf Zebra Lion?

    Yes he has his peice of lr that he chills upside down under and comes out when he wants to eat. he may be less active but he's sooooo cool.
  20. dirtee147

    Tank too deep for me to scrape

    have you tryed a mag-float magnet. the smallest one myght work for your bow-front and they make it so your hand or arm don't come in contact with the water.