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  1. sickboy

    Anti Obama Threads

    Originally Posted by calbert0 I have only been a member of this forum durring the Obama Administration... But i have to ask, were there as many anti Bush threads durring the previous administration as there are anti Obama threads now?? I'm not speaking for or against anyone or any thread, i am...
  2. sickboy

    Anti Obama Threads

    Originally Posted by reefraff I usually don't even waste my time on conspiracy theories but there is an interesting one floating around about a deliberate move to create such a monumental amount of debt we can't dig out way out as a way of forcing a world economic structure. I need to try to...
  3. sickboy

    While the nation was watching football.........

    Originally Posted by mastertech what happens when a government gets in debt that she cant repay......... bankrupt. Technically, that is impossible....
  4. sickboy

    Wk 10

    Originally Posted by kjr_trig Best run Professional sport in the world, and it's not even close IMO. A monopoly based on competition, intriguing.... Also Go Seahawks! Best 3-6 team in the land!
  5. sickboy

    Wk 10

    Originally Posted by stdreb27 Also, you guys need to suck it up and let these guys play. I'm tired of all these stupid penalties for all these things that happen every play, like blows to the head and stuff, this if a violent game. That is why we watch. I agree, Quarterbacks are FOOTBALL...
  6. sickboy

    Tax Cuts, Er Uhh, Maybe not

    Originally Posted by reefraff So the grand Obus and his team decided that it would stimulate the economy by giving us a "tax cut" back in april. It meant the average working couple would have an extra 13.00 a week to stimulate the economy. But Oops!!! Now it turns out come April working couples...
  7. sickboy

    Good Pandora Stations

    I've never heard of any of those people I only have 5 stations that pretty much encompass everything I could listen to: -"Metal" Radio- speaks for itself, mostly American nu metal and European Black metal, but I don't discriminate. -Pink Floyd Radio- for all the classic rock -Mr. Bungle Radio-...
  8. sickboy

    Golfers!!!! You are next.

    Originally Posted by reefraff Someone needs to invent a biodegradable golf ball. They have some "green" golf balls on the market already. Who knows if they are any good though...
  9. sickboy

    First time home buyers credit.

    Originally Posted by uneverno renewable, potable water resources I had an economics prof. that truly believes this will be the cause of WWIII.
  10. sickboy

    First time home buyers credit.

    Originally Posted by stdreb27 That isn't true. If untrue, would there be any economic growth if the population as a whole stopped spending disposable income and instead saved it? I doubt it, and there would be no one to lend the money to since everyone was saving.
  11. sickboy

    Nano Tanks - What is the best brand?

    Check out the Finnex aquariums. I don't have one, but if I ever got a nano again it would be what I want
  12. sickboy

    First time home buyers credit.

    Originally Posted by reefraff Not a huge difference between the two systems in that respect because the higher tax rate only applies to that portion of your income above the threshold that puts you into the higher bracket. Which is why it maximizes consumption. With a flat tax more savings...
  13. sickboy

    First time home buyers credit.

    With all this talk of tax rates, etc. I would just like to point out one of the things our tax structure does well especially when compared to a flat tax: In times of economic downturn, as your income drops, you automatically get to keep a greater portion of your income. Its a built in "tax...
  14. sickboy

    First time home buyers credit.

    Originally Posted by reefraff What makes me so crazy about this one is they are encouraging the very thing that causes this whole mess in the first place, people who aren't financially able to qualify for a loan are using the credit as their down payment. In some ways I can see this, but they...
  15. sickboy

    Cat Fight!

    If you missed the action Thursday night (I saw it on ESPN), this BYU vs. New Mexico woman's soccer game was crazy:
  16. sickboy

    Some of what we got for 787 billion in stimulus money..........

    Originally Posted by Darthtang AW How many jobs did the one fish sperm freezer create? I don't know. How many parts does it take to build a fish sperm freezer? Who designed it? Who maintains it? etc., etc. Horrible waste of money, I agree, just saying...
  17. sickboy

    H1N1 Flu Obama's Katrina?

    Originally Posted by uneverno I.e. at what point is Capitalism at odds with the Constitution? Originally Posted by reefraff Never. A better question is at what point is government regulation of capitalism at odds with the constitution. This brings up a good question. On one hand, you could...
  18. sickboy

    Some of what we got for 787 billion in stimulus money..........

    Speaking of budgets...
  19. sickboy

    Economics & Finance people...

    ...or anyone just "interested." I thought this article was interesting-
  20. sickboy

    Some of what we got for 787 billion in stimulus money..........

    Originally Posted by reefraff And I wonder how many of those jobs were targeted to the SEIC union If they were just going to spend the money for the sake of making jobs they should have built things with long lasting benefits. With all the push to alternative energy why not build some thermal...