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  1. oak


    When they say medium light how much light are they talking about?
  2. oak

    Aiptasia Overload!

    I just found a sea slug thats only eats Aiptasia it it is called the Berghia Nudibranch. You may have to ask your LFS to special order it for you.
  3. oak


    Could I keeep any SPS corals in there?
  4. oak

    Aiptasia Overload!

    If someone had Aiptasia and got a Copper Banded Butterfly fish they only had good results but I have never had one.
  5. oak

    Help w/ Fishlist 55

    Nice rock work. I think a Flame Angel might be nice but I have never had one. If you do get a Flame Angel try and get one from Hawai. They are more vibrantly colered than the ones from the Philipenes. I think I spelled that wrong. Good luck with your tank.
  6. oak

    T5 retrofit

  7. oak

    should there be an invert forum??

    I voted yes because I love inverts and it would be very usefull.
  8. oak

    T5 retrofit

  9. oak

    T5 retrofit

    I have 24 watts of T5 light over my 12 gallon nano and wanted to add another 24 watt bulb but I don't know what I need to do a retrofit it and does anyone know any good brands? Do you need a ballast and fan? Also what type of wires if any and if anyone knows how much it might cost? I am...
  10. oak


    Could I keep any zoos? I am not sure what catagory they fall under and what are you suppose to feed corals? Can you feed a filter feeder food?
  11. oak


    That would be nice thanks.
  12. oak

    Just got my 24g JBJ NANO CUBE!!!

    I would put 50 pounds of LR. For a 2" sand bed 20 pounds of LS and for a 3" sand bed 40 pounds of LS and for a 4" sand bed 50 pounds and for a 5" sand bed about 60 pounds. I think you should add the RO water first. You should change it depending on many animals you have and you probably can only...
  13. oak


    I don't know if I can keep any corals in a 12 gallon nano with 26 watts of T5's but was just wondering. All information will be greatly appreciated.
  14. oak


    Thanks. Does anyone know about the Black Spot Lionfish.
  15. oak


    How big a tank do the Fu Man Chu need and would they eat a fire or cleaner shrimp.
  16. oak

    Ball Python - help

    I don't know why it would have bit her. I have heard they are a very docile snakes. As far as that bite as long it didn't bleed it shouldn't be a problem but I'm no expert.
  17. oak


    Is there such a thing as a reef safe lionfish and one that doesn't get to big (4"-6") ? I heard that Dwarf Zebra Lionfish is a pretty peacefull Lionfish. :help: Please. All information will be greatly apreciated.
  18. oak

    Metal Halide

    If a ballast says it is Metal Halide bulb can it be used for both Double Ended and srcew Metal Halides ?
  19. oak

    Metal Halide

  20. oak

    Metal Halide

    I think this is a stupid question but I dont' know what you it mean when someone says bump on a thread. Can someone tell me what it means and no me and Aztec Reef aren't the same person. Thanks