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  1. oak

    Help Please

    Originally Posted by Symon I'll bet you saw the electrical sizzle stream,(stray voltage) atinics probably made it look blueish. Your probably alright, watch you critters and see if it has affected them, same thing happened to me , all was ok! That's originally what I thought. Thanks
  2. oak

    lights for sale

    Could you get the shipping rates for 98023 and is it possible to drop the price to around $30. Thanks
  3. oak

    Help Please

    Originally Posted by Devil Dog how big is your tank? If it's over 100g and it was a small amount that want in the tank i would not think about it to much... But I would Watch and see if you see any difference in your live stock... It is a 12 gallon but it has 7 gallons of water in it.
  4. oak

    Lawnmower Blenny

    I geuss it is okay then.
  5. oak

    lights for sale

    Do you still have the 4th one ?
  6. oak

    Lawnmower Blenny

    I heard that Lawnmower Blennys eat only algae but mine was eating mysis pellets detritus and everthing except the algae I put in. Oh and he eats diatoms and I was wondering if this is bad or good.
  7. oak

    Help Please

    Originally Posted by autofreak44 could be something from the manufacturing left over (flux or something) or it could have been some kind of pigment to give the led's their color. in a situation like that, the best thing to do is a large water change and cross your fingers if you dont know what...
  8. oak

    nYgel's 29 Gallon Reef

    Originally Posted by nYgel So, i couldn't resist getting a juvenile male scooter to pair with my female one (especially since it eats frozen as well.) How can you tell if it is male or female and you sure they are a pair? Oh and you got very lucky with the scooters and madarins. I'm jealeous :mad:
  9. oak

    Help Please

    Does anybody know if it was harmful?
  10. oak

    Butterfly Fish

    Originally Posted by sepulatian Please do NOT by any butterfly at all until you actually have the 100 gallon. ALL butterflies need mature LR and plenty of room. A double saddleback needs a minimum of a 75 gallon tank. Okay thanks for the advice.
  11. oak

    Help Please

    I was feeding my firefish and just sat down and my moon lights just fell in the tank. They started realeasing some blue stuff in a small stream and the bulbs went out. I immediately took them out and the LEDs went on. It might have been the atinics that made it blue. It might have been stray...
  12. oak

    Butterfly Fish

    Any other info about this species would be nice.
  13. oak

    Bio Wheel or Wet Dry

    Umm bump.
  14. oak

    Bio Wheel or Wet Dry

    I just was wondering which one works better at eliminating ammonia and Nitrites.
  15. oak

    Butterfly Fish

    Originally Posted by Jon321 Here is alot of good info on double saddle backs: {EDIT LINK} Jon Thanks it was very :help: full.
  16. oak

    55g fish list

    Flame Angels are colorfull and active a little exspensive and may rarely nip at some corals. Just an idea.
  17. oak

    Video and Photo Question

    Originally Posted by PerfectDark If its a Digital camera thats capable of video then its quite easy. Pop out the memory card connect it to your computer via some usb interface calble and card reader. ( you can hook your camera up directly to the computer but this process takes longer and it...
  18. oak

    can these 2 co-exist?

    I just got a LMB and it is fine with my Firefish. I didn't remember that they could be agressive towards gobys.
  19. oak

    Fish known to swim in Upper Zone of aquarium

    I have a Firefish that is almost always at the top. Not sure if it is a species trait or jut my Firefish.
  20. oak

    My 30 gallon

    How high is your nitrates I know alot of people who have nitrates around 20 it should drop in a couple days I think. You mainly have to worry about your nitrites and ammonia. Good luck