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  1. browniebuck

    125 Tank Diary

    Well our Powder Blue Tang has been found to be quite the pig!!! On night one I observed his belly to be slightly caved in, so I fed him some of my homemade food...which he quickly gobbled up, I noticed his belly to be a little less caved in. About 2-3 hours later, I noticed that he was...
  2. browniebuck

    Just what I need...another snowstorm!!!

    So, I ran the snowblower this morning...about 4-6". Came back in and took a shower, while I was in the shower, the snowplow came down my skinny little street 4 FREAKING TIMES (you are only allowed to park on one side of the street and even then, you have to be careful driving)!!! Now, a little...
  3. browniebuck


    I am going to forward that to a group of fellow teachers in the middle school of my would be nice to see how older children will see it. I have shown things like this to my 4th graders and, after some explanation, they have understood the point. Each year, I read Dr. Suess's Oh...
  4. browniebuck

    Just what I need...another snowstorm!!!

    Evidently this round isn't going through Baltimore/D.C. area...we were supposed to get between 6-10" a little over a week ago...we got upwards of 16". We were supposed to get another 6-10" last Tuesday, we got another 12-14" instead. NOW...we are part of another Winter Weather Advisory that is...
  5. browniebuck


    We just bought our Powder Blue Tang from a saltwater only LFS in Columbia Station, Ohio (about an hour and a half drive each way). We paid $40 less and the fish is a million times more healthy...I was talking with the people that work there (mostly kids) and they seemed VERY knowledgeable...but...
  6. browniebuck

    125 Tank Diary

    Well...things are still going very, I have lost a few snails, hermits (I assume...I am not counting all 100 of them), a fire shrimp that got taken advantage of after molting, and one lyretail anthias. All water tests have shown to be good (0-ammo, 0-nitrites, 8.2-8.4-pH...
  7. browniebuck

    Renee's 40g custom O. scyllarus & P. ciliata tank build.

    My wife and I named our fish yesterday...just goofy names. If anyone saw Charles Barkley's SNL bits with McGruber...we named our firefish (also called dartfish...hence the D names) Darrell (Dare-ul) and Darrell (Dar-ell).
  8. browniebuck

    R.I.P. Captain Phil Harris

    Originally Posted by SOVIETTACO I was devestated when I heard the news this morning, I hope his boys hang in there and come out ok from the loss. One positive thing that they can take from this is that they decided early enough to see what their father was all about and were able to do what he...
  9. browniebuck

    R.I.P. Captain Phil Harris

    Captain Phil Harris from the T.V. show Deadliest Catch on the Discovery Channel passed away late last night from complications after suffering a stroke last month. Anyone that watched this show knows how hard these guys work and what they go through to put king crab legs on the market. This...
  10. browniebuck

    Renee's 40g custom O. scyllarus & P. ciliata tank build.

    those are both beautiful....their colors are so vibrant. I have a spare 55 downstairs now, HMMMMMMMM that could become a mantis tank...but that is a lot of "wasted" space, isn't it? I could turn my 30QT into the mantis tank and turn the 55 into the QT...OR...I could do some other type of...
  11. browniebuck

    36-40 Inches of SNOW

    here too...we are supposed to get between another 7-13" (I know that isn't anywhere near what you are getting...but, come on!!!) I have to send in my entry fee for my traveling Sunday Golf League this week...seems like an eternity away that I will be chasing that little white ball again!!!
  12. browniebuck

    Best Super Bowl Commercial

    Was just on Youtube and rewatched the TruTv commercial, Punxatawney Polamolu commercial, that one was pretty good too.
  13. browniebuck

    Best Super Bowl Commercial

    Surprised that nobody has posted this yet...but, what was your favorite commercial from, what I thought, was a weak field of commercials... 1. Doritos - Single Mother 2. Doritos - Anti Bark Collar 3. eTrade - Girlfriend 4. Bud Light - House of Bud Light 5. Monster - Casual Friday 6...
  14. browniebuck


    I think that he is talking about your rant earlier in this thread about Katrina and Rita.
  15. browniebuck


    did anyone else see the nonsense on SportsCenter last week about the facial features predicting the Super Bowl winning quarterback? This highly scientific method had Peyton Manning and the Colts running away with the game....they have far too many nonsense ways to predict the winner...I did see...
  16. browniebuck


    Originally Posted by Jaodissa We have 4 *****'s/petsmarts in my area and I have never seen them selling saltwater fish. Why do some carry them and others don't? (just a curiosity) Not sure why some do and others don't...I wish that this one didn't, they get their livestock from shady suppliers...
  17. browniebuck


    It just really sucks because my wife and I really enjoy taking little road trips around Ohio to seek out new and exciting LFS, only to find one that is really good and then find that they are out of business because of this economy. We had one locally that would not sell a fish until it was...
  18. browniebuck


    Originally Posted by Flower It s hard to find a person truly knowledgeable about Saltwater fish. So most kids don't have enough knowledge to help others who ask in the store for help, or keep critters healthy. I for one could not live on what ***** pays. Good point...but I am not only talking...
  19. browniebuck


    We used to have a ***** in Canton that was a great place to buy fish...the people that ran the aquatic department got permission to order from a variety of different places and very seldom ordered from the "preferred" supplier as they always got bad fish from them. They used to get such...
  20. browniebuck


    Originally Posted by browniebuck I am not 100% sure who will win, but I am pretty sure that whoever wins will do so by double digits. It didn't happen exactly as I thought it would, but the double digit victory certainly did happen.