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  1. rbmount

    what going on

    You are waaaay overstocked for a 55!
  2. rbmount

    green tank

    I agree with SammyG, also are you feeding your inverts with D.T.'s?
  3. rbmount

    Brittle star

    All I ever see of mine is arms flailing everywhere when I feed, other then that it makes a rare appearance outside of it's rock.
  4. rbmount

    28 watts

    28 watts will be OK in a fish only tank.
  5. rbmount

    What does i protein skimmer do again?

    Originally posted by Hiddenicon do you guys know how good the Bak Pak skimmer is? It works really well, just adjust it like the directions say and you'll be ok.
  6. rbmount

    Questions about new aquarium lighting

    I agree, you'll need halides for a tank that deep. My 90 runs with 2x250w 10k halides and 2x110w actinics.
  7. rbmount

    1st Hurricanne......

    Just like this thread [hr] GO CANES!
  8. rbmount

    Water Tank or Wife?

    Can I keep my dogs too?
  9. rbmount


    Probably so, but a brittle gets pretty big. You might try a serpent star.
  10. rbmount


    Or the fish are beating their heads trying to get away.
  11. rbmount

    Help Nitrates!!

    Basically, keep up the water changes, if you haven't allready cut back on feeding (I cut back to every other day), don't over feed, and keeping filters clean. should help you.
  12. rbmount

    Flame Angel in a reef?

    My flame angel is nipping at my xenia.
  13. rbmount

    EMERGENCY!goby under attack

    Problems like this can be avoided by researching compatibility before buying.
  14. rbmount

    Tank Decor

    It will just wind up covered in algae. Just go with the real stuff.
  15. rbmount

    Question about my new (first) fish

    Mine sleep there every night on their sides. I thought they were dead the next morning.
  16. rbmount

    made a salt mistake

    You should be OK, just continue to monitor your readings for a few days and adjust as needed. Keep a good flow going to disolve any salt that may be in and under your rocks.
  17. rbmount

    Best skimmer for...

    I use a CPR bak-pak on my 46. It is rated up to 60 gallons. It works good and is fairly quiet.
  18. rbmount

    too much live rock break a tank???

    I wouldn't waste the money, go with RO/DI. Your tank wil start off right and your fish and inverts will thank you. If you can't get RO/DI, at least go with distilled.
  19. rbmount


    Originally posted by lovethesea very talented but...............yyyyyeeeeeeoooooouuuuuccccchhhh!!:scared: Getting a tatoo won't hurt as much as you think it does.
  20. rbmount

    Water Tank or Wife?

    Originally posted by gregvabch what kinda tank we talkin here? :D That would be my question too! I ain't talkin no little 125, somebody will have to do a lot better!