Originally posted by Hiddenicon
do you guys know how good the Bak Pak skimmer is?
It works really well, just adjust it like the directions say and you'll be ok.
Basically, keep up the water changes, if you haven't allready cut back on feeding (I cut back to every other day), don't over feed, and keeping filters clean. should help you.
You should be OK, just continue to monitor your readings for a few days and adjust as needed. Keep a good flow going to disolve any salt that may be in and under your rocks.
I wouldn't waste the money, go with RO/DI. Your tank wil start off right and your fish and inverts will thank you. If you can't get RO/DI, at least go with distilled.
Originally posted by lovethesea
very talented but...............yyyyyeeeeeeoooooouuuuuccccchhhh!!:scared:
Getting a tatoo won't hurt as much as you think it does.
Originally posted by gregvabch
what kinda tank we talkin here? :D
That would be my question too! I ain't talkin no little 125, somebody will have to do a lot better!