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  1. katz


    no it not ick My LFS said it is not ick. He is a friend and he though it was current so that is why the ground probe. That is not it either as two other fish died after the probe was in place. I almost wish it was ick at least then I would know what I was dealing with. Katz
  2. katz


    That a good idea. My chromis is now dead also. Katz
  3. katz


    Thank You for replying. The remaining fish are not scratching anything. The spots do not move at all. I just had two more deaths. My lavander tang and my purple filamenta (sp). The chromis mouth is closed. The clown fish still look awful and my sailfin looks the same. I have done 40 gallons...
  4. katz


    Okay, I still can not find the problem. I just loss another fish my last bangi. Looking healthy this morning but dead when I came home. Any more ideas? Katz
  5. katz

    how many years in the sw hobby?

    one year and 8 months started off with a 54g corner and now have a 125 with 45 g. sump
  6. katz


    no kids The only thing that I can think of is that my bother said that the seaweed got a little butter on it. But he wiped it off before putting it in the tank. We don't use pestisides in the house because I have the tank and parrots. Could the RTN I had be causing any of this? Katz
  7. katz


    I added three bangels one week ago, which I had in the QT for 4 weeks. All were fine until yesterday. I have loss: 2 bangles 1 lyertail anthethis 1 pink anthethis 1 bicolor blennie I used seachem ph to raise that up and this morning it tested at 8.3. My sailfin still has the black marks and the...
  8. katz


    It is dried seaweed. I buy it at *****. Sally is the brand. I will start making saltwater tonight. Thank You for answering Beth.
  9. katz


    Just tested them. Both are at 0. I found my pink anthetis it is dead . I also found my bicolor blennie also dead and my lyertail is still missing and most likely dead as it did not come out at feeding time. I am at a loss. Katz
  10. katz


    Hi, I put in new seaweed for the tangs. sa 1.025 temp 81.1 nitrates <10 ph 7.8 Alk 8 phospate 0 I am very concerned. I have not been able to find one of my lyetails and pink anthisas, and my purple filamenta(sp). I am at a total loss as to what is going on and my LFS closed for today to get...
  11. katz


  12. katz


    My Sailfin tang has black marks all over it. My two clownfish have white slimey stuff all over them. My blue green chromis mouth is stuck open. I can't find three fish. This happened over night. What am I to do?? Katz
  13. katz

    Bulb Brand

    XM is what I am going to switch to when I replace my bulbs. My LFS switch to them on his tanks and I like the look.
  14. katz

    New Aquascape!!!

    I like it. Your tank has come along way and this makes it look even better. Katz
  15. katz

    RedSea Max vs Current Solana

    current all the way my lfs has them in and they are very nice
  16. katz


    Thanks for the reply. I run carbon all the time. I just put in fresh when I noticed the RTN. I have now lost the bottle brush. Katz
  17. katz


    Okay, I purchased a sps coral online and noticed when I opened it that it had a white spot at the base of the coral about the size of a pencil head. I did not think nothing of it until a week later I noticed that it had tripled in size and was peeling. I removed it and ran carbon right away...
  18. katz

    Turbelle® nanostream VS. Hydor Koralia 3

    Just watch out for the tunze. I have the 45 and the magnet totally broke off form the ball during the night and could not be fixed. Tunze still has yet to get back to me on replacing it. Mine was not even a year old when this occured.
  19. katz

    Azfishgal New Tank Diary!

    Lookin great! Your tank has come a long ways. Katz
  20. katz

    my 125g semi-diary

    and more