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  1. katz

    my 125g semi-diary

    updated pics of my tank
  2. katz

    Camera setting HELP

    Does your camera have a function key? My Cannon does and one of the functions is aquariums. The camera automatically does the setting necessary to get the best pics.
  3. katz

    Azfishgal New Tank Diary!

    looks great Did you get your last batch of zoos? Katz
  4. katz

    TriGa22's Tank Diary

    Tank looks great.
  5. katz

    skipperdz's 55g tank picture diary

    Yes you can start adding soft corals. They actually like as my LFS says dirty water. I would start with leathers or mushrooms. Both great starter corals. Katz
  6. katz

    36in hamilton mh w/pc fixture

    Yes its a deal. Katz
  7. katz

    my 125g semi-diary

    Thank you Azfishgal. I can only get API test kits locally. I will have to try and order a different test kit. I still can not believe my hippo died. I just don not understand what happened. Katz
  8. katz

    my 125g semi-diary

    derickd i love the rock setup Thank YOU
  9. katz

    36in hamilton mh w/pc fixture

    I still have it and the dimension are 36" x 11.5" x 6.5". Thank you for the interest. Katz
  10. katz

    The Start of My 125g Tank Diary

    lookin great love the 29g Katz
  11. katz

    my 125g semi-diary

    My little blue hippo has died. I do not understand as to why? When I pulled it out it looked very healthy and was eating last night. I went ahead and did a fifty percent water change on my qt so I can hopefully prevent my sailfin from getting sick. Katz
  12. katz

    36in hamilton mh w/pc fixture

  13. katz

    Azfishgal New Tank Diary!

    Ow man Azfishgal that sucks that the tang has HLLE. I hope that it pulls thru. Good luck and keep us posted. Katz
  14. katz

    bbauers 36g corner tank pics

    Sweet looking tank. Great aqua scape. Keep up the good work.
  15. katz

    my 125g semi-diary

    LFS comes up with: sal 1.025 kh 7 ph 7.9 nitrites 0 nitrates 0 cal 418 boy is my test kit off any recommendations on what to do to get everything up
  16. katz

    36in hamilton mh w/pc fixture

  17. katz

    my 125g semi-diary

    I am using API. I will take it to my LFS and see what he is reading. Thank you for the compliment Azfishgal.
  18. katz

    my 125g semi-diary

    Can anyone help me figure out what is happening to my KH level? Sal 1.025 ph 8.4 calc 480 kh 6 nitrates 0 nitrites 0 amn 0 I am dosing daily trying to get my alk up but I can not get it above 6. Any ideas? Katz
  19. katz

    my 125g semi-diary

    Only have one more fish to add and then I am done with fish. My last fish will be a radient wrasse. Katz
  20. katz

    my 125g semi-diary

    My ORA blue tort. And my new candy canes.